Originally Posted by ken2903
Ok, i will go as far as to say that there are cases where women have done things that make them more of a target but i can't see how that makes it their fault or how it applies to this incident. If she didn't flirt, kiss or accept alcohol she may as well have stayed at home. What is the point of people going to parties etc... if they can't have a good time without worrying about this kind of thing happening.
Having a good time has nothing to do with flirting and kissing mate. I've been out plenty of times and hooked up, and i've been out plenty where I haven't, all are (usually) fun. According to that link they both had partners, and for them to just randomly decide to do that one day I find hard to believe as well. You'd think there's been something going on between them earlier. I doubt a man would risk his marriage at a work event where friends and family were/had been because another girl was been flirty with him.