Originally Posted by clontarf_x
The male officer was in control of his actions. The female officer was not.
It's a clear case to me? The pig took advantage of her whilst she was incapacitated
We're more debating if the story is true.
The thing that worries me with women consuming a lot of alcohol, is that generally if they are VERY forward, flirty and make suggestive moves (or more), almost every guy in the building wants something to do with her (sounds harsh, but that seems the case most nights I go out).
If a guy does the same, he's usually considered a perv, sleeze etc by the majority of ladies there.
Now, i'm not debating whether that's fair or not (I couldn't really care about it), BUT with the general attitude of most guys towards scantily clad women who are drunk whilst being flirty with them, there can come some very bad actions and consequences.