Originally Posted by Work Horse
I don't understand the distinction your are making between guys in bars and men in general. I go out to clubs/bars. I've never taken advantage of anyone, because other guys do does not make it ok.
That's how you formed your opinion. I have visited countries were women will hiss or throw stones at other women for exposing a hand or ankle.
Some of the ladies you are talking about may show poor taste in your opinion, but it's a free country.Attracting a lot of attention from guys=I want to be/have no defence when/deserve to be, raped by guys?
Not you, but "other" guys have no control when confronted by "the ladies who are wearing little clothing and happy to drink a lot". The "very bad actions and consequences", that can come are the fault of the women.
Sorry to keep going on about it, but how does this attitude differ from Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's. Remember the Sheik?. He was defending the actions of those pack rapists in Sydney. You may remember what the court thought of the idea the victims brought on the attacks themselves. And what all media and any right minded person thought of the Sheiks defence;I don't agree with you, the Sheik, or anyone else that blames a rape victim because they: choose to dress as they wish, enjoy a drink, or flirt with whomever they please. This is Australia 2007 not 1907. We are not some fundamentalist state living under Sharia law.
Just my opinion of course.
Mate I never said it makes it their fault to be raped, please tell me where I said that? I said it WORRIES me because of the GENERAL attitude of many males at clubs/bars when they've had a drink as well. I didn't say they'd do anything to harm the female either, I just said their attitude.
Yes it's Australia, and a "free" country. But that doesn't change the fact that their are sick minded people out there.
And I, along with others in this thread, weren't discussing actual rape victims, but people who have sexual relations then feel guilty and call rape. If you read what I wrote earlier, it's happened to me with a girl I was with, except it was consensual and she was feeling guilty afterwards. How is that fair on the other guy, just because she couldn't face up to her actions?