Originally Posted by Van D
Mate I never said it makes it their fault to be raped, please tell me where I said that? I said it WORRIES me because of the GENERAL attitude of many males at clubs/bars when they've had a drink as well. I didn't say they'd do anything to harm the female either, I just said their attitude.
Yes it's Australia, and a "free" country. But that doesn't change the fact that their are sick minded people out there.
And I, along with others in this thread, weren't discussing actual rape victims, but people who have sexual relations then feel guilty and call rape. If you read what I wrote earlier, it's happened to me with a girl I was with, except it was consensual and she was feeling guilty afterwards. How is that fair on the other guy, just because she couldn't face up to her actions?
Whatever mate, you want to try and back pedal I'm not interested in pulling more of your posts apart. Anyone can read them for themselves and make up their own mind.
I'm not interested in "the facts" of the case reported in the first post. Neither am I interested in "the facts" you claim to have regarding a friend of yours. Except to say your friend never took her complaint to the police or faced a cross-examination in a court. You can be sure the policewomen knew what she was in for in court. If you or anyone else seriously believe women make false claims of rape all the time, go and sit through a rape trial.