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Old 26-01-2012, 08:16 PM   #4
galaxy xr8
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Default Re: Just bought a kj laser and have a few questions?

I run our little Laser daily and it uses 8-9L/100 in town, I can get 600klm's to a tank, but that is getting it right down so 500 should be a breeze, I allway's run mine down till the red light start's to show which is usually on 500klm on my trip meter from here I know I can do another 100klm before it get's right down.

Don't take to much notice of the gauges as they tend to move quickly from the top and sit on empty for ages.

I am actually selling mine to make way for a new daily, which is a shame as it has been a great little car and very economical considering they are only a 55L tank.
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