Re: Geez! I hate that!
This is nothing new, and it doesn't matter what time. Whenever i go to the shop to do the weekly groceries it takes 10 to 15 minutes to find a park as the car park is always packed. Yet i man shop so no browsing in colesworths, i know the row in the isle of what i want so maybe 20 to 25 minutes max, go to the self serve checkout, card only ones, get a bit miffed at why the thing says card only to start then asks how would you like to pay when you want to pay and funnily enough, i always select card as thats the 1 option. Then the thing prints out a receipt as long as my arm even though it should be maybe 4 inches. But go back to the car and car park is empty. It doesn't matter what time i attempt this. Always the same. Rock up, packed car park, ages to find a person backing out (that too, who fronts into spots) back into said spot far away. 25 minutes later come out to a plethera of spots everywhere.