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Old 12-10-2007, 08:46 PM   #1
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Default Horrific accident

Just seen the worst accident tonight.

Was on the way home from getting dinner and got a phone dcall from a friend, askking me if ive seen the accident on browns plains road. So decided to take a drive to have a bit of a gander.

Not much left of both cars. A commodore wagon and some other car couldnt tell from all the mess. The commodore was ripped into two pieces, and was a dead body on the road.

Apparently the guy in the other car had been after this guy in the commodore for a year and just ran him off the road. The guy is now dead and the guy in the other car had his gf and baby in the car. Im sure the driver in the other car that was to run the dead guy off the road is going to go to jail.

I never thought i would see a accident like that in my life. only in movies and tv shows ive seen accidents like that. It was really terrible.

Just thought i'd share and take care all.

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Old 12-10-2007, 09:00 PM   #2
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"that guy" got a bit confusing, lol. Doesn't sound too good though. Wouldn't police have covered the body?
Originally Posted by irlewy86
Holden made the decision to make thier utes for pretty boys years ago. Wannabe tradesman drive them. If my son came home and told me he bought a holden ute I would struggle to come to grips with the fact he is a homosexual.
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:22 PM   #3
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Hey Girl, yeah, it's pretty confronting seeing things like that and they can stay in your thoughts for a long time.
Take it easy Girl.
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by FordGirl86
Apparently the guy in the other car had been after this guy in the commodore for a year and just ran him off the road.
if that doesnt sound like illegal related activity..............
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:27 PM   #5
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yeah i was at acacia ridge diner and heard about that, they said it looks awful, and a body was covered with a tarp, not good at all but it just seems to be so typical from bommadore drivers. take care people.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:36 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by FordGirl86
Just seen the worst accident tonight.

Was on the way home from getting dinner and got a phone dcall from a friend, askking me if ive seen the accident on browns plains road. So decided to take a drive to have a bit of a gander.

Not much left of both cars. A commodore wagon and some other car couldnt tell from all the mess. The commodore was ripped into two pieces, and was a dead body on the road.

Apparently the guy in the other car had been after this guy in the commodore for a year and just ran him off the road. The guy is now dead and the guy in the other car had his gf and baby in the car. Im sure the driver in the other car that was to run the dead guy off the road is going to go to jail.

I never thought i would see a accident like that in my life. only in movies and tv shows ive seen accidents like that. It was really terrible.

Just thought i'd share and take care all.
It really hits home when you see it for real hey. It is alot different to seeing it on the telly. We do need to take more care but we also need to get the drinkers and stoners off the roads.
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Old 13-10-2007, 06:30 AM   #7
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That's very unfortunate. Take care of yourselves on the road.
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Old 13-10-2007, 09:42 AM   #8
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October 13, 2007 08:03am
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ONE man is dead and another seriously injured after their car was allegedly rammed by a utility before crashing into a power pole south of Brisbane overnight.

Police allege a man driving a yellow Kingswood utility repeatedly rammed a station wagon, causing it to lose control and hit a power pole on Browns Plains Road at Browns Plains around 6.40pm (AEST) yesterday.

A police spokesman said the utility driver allegedly followed the station wagon after a fight in the carpark at Browns Plains Tavern.

The 21-year-old driver of the station wagon was killed in the crash, while a 15-year-old male passenger is at Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital with serious head injuries.

Police said a baby in a baby capsule in the Kingswood was fortunate not to sustain any serious injuries.

The 47-year-old driver of the utility will appear in Beenleigh Magistrates Court today charged with dangerous driving causing death


yeah i drove past just after and had to take a detour coz a really long slice of the road had been closed off... really sad indeed how something like this could happen
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Old 13-10-2007, 10:23 AM   #9
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i got told the story from another couple that were there before us. so wat i said last night on here was a tad different.

Still so sad, he was only 21 and died.
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Old 13-10-2007, 10:39 AM   #10
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Very sad. 1 dead, 1 serously injured, over a fight at pub!

Hot heads like that : they should throw away the key.
Oooh baby living in Miami....
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Old 13-10-2007, 11:09 AM   #11
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Old 13-10-2007, 11:35 AM   #12
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And it was probably over something very trivial .....
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Old 13-10-2007, 11:41 AM   #13
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browns plains
and holdens

yep sounds like brown stains alright.

remembering we only had a fatality from speeding in the same area a month or so ago where a young guy was killed etc

police def need to revamp the patrols along brownsplains rd and nearby,almost 8/10 cars speed in this area,as this was pub/drunk incident its not related but deaths all involved cars.

feel sorry for the those whom were hurt by this idiot.
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Old 13-10-2007, 11:43 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by FordGirl86
I never thought i would see a accident like that in my life. only in movies and tv shows ive seen accidents like that. It was really terrible.
And you might not have ever seen an accident like that had you not gone for gander. Would have saved myself the fuel personally.
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Old 13-10-2007, 12:02 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by MITCHAY
And you might not have ever seen an accident like that had you not gone for gander. Would have saved myself the fuel personally.
As soon as I read Fordgirl's post, I thought.... Hmmmm!.. Who'll be the 1st to jump in and criticize her for going for a "gander"... The prize goes to MITCHAY!
(let he who hasn't sinned cast the 1st stone!)
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Old 13-10-2007, 01:04 PM   #16
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I went to have a look to see if it was anyone i knew.
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Old 13-10-2007, 01:11 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by HOON69
browns plains
and holdens

yep sounds like brown stains alright.

remembering we only had a fatality from speeding in the same area a month or so ago where a young guy was killed etc

police def need to revamp the patrols along brownsplains rd and nearby,almost 8/10 cars speed in this area,as this was pub/drunk incident its not related but deaths all involved cars.

feel sorry for the those whom were hurt by this idiot.
Several major problems with your comments , not many bogans left in the area after the housing cost rises.(cheapest area house is well over 300k for a dump and climbing everyday so no rentals any more ) and how do you suggest the police do anything when the state govco holds night time patrols down to only two cars by failing to budget for a very large area ? Perhaps we all grow a money tree ? because the state govco wont spend a fraction of the funds it has for disposal..
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Old 13-10-2007, 08:12 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by atec77
Several major problems with your comments , not many bogans left in the area after the housing cost rises.(cheapest area house is well over 300k for a dump and climbing everyday so no rentals any more ) and how do you suggest the police do anything when the state govco holds night time patrols down to only two cars by failing to budget for a very large area ? Perhaps we all grow a money tree ? because the state govco wont spend a fraction of the funds it has for disposal..
1) brownstains aka brownsplains has a wide housing department housing area only streets away from where this happened,
2) as for bogans
definition of one look it up fella ;)
3)the goverment are to blame for the shortage at night for police,this wasnt after hours mate and the first cop was there in minutes not hours,how do i know because MATE i had mates on the scene this happened around 6pm right around when the stations are about to close up.

i know that half the area in south brisbane lose their stations after hours and the police are stretched,i said more patrols you know like them big red shinny F6's etc they drive around in all day long?
not many bogans in the area,mate anytime you feel up for a drive PM me i'll take you on a reality check.


baby was in the wagon,as was a 19 yr old a 15 yr old and the deceased.
both parties knew each other and have had troubles for a year now.
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Old 13-10-2007, 08:20 PM   #19
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Very very sad....lucky the kids were not hurt
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Old 13-10-2007, 09:40 PM   #20
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Not an accident.
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Old 13-10-2007, 10:16 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by FordGirl86
Just seen the worst accident tonight.
I never thought i would see a accident like that in my life.
Just thought I'd share and take care all.
I'm glad you did "share" , 1st step in the right direction for you , although very sad for the family/friends of those involved . It is a very sobering & traumatic thing to see . I also feel for the Police & Ambo's.

Talk about it , Cry about it , it sure does help . Then try & move on . ( involved in a fatal myself 33 yrs ago , No counsellors those days)

I think Aeron is someone else who has been in your predicament .

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Old 13-10-2007, 10:28 PM   #22
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I work as a paramedic and trust me it does your mental health no good to go and look at things that you dont have as a part of your life normally. Hell, the mental scars paramedics,coppers and firies carry do affect us all BUT we do the best we can under the circumstances.

We cannot try and change what has happened, only react to what has happened and cope the best we can.

You would be amazed at the amount of rubber neckers that will come out and check their mail box at 3 in the morning whilst we are picking up old "Mrs Jones" ! ! !

If you want to rubber neck thats fine by me but please don not put yourself through what you dont need to go through.

In one 12 month period I did 8 fatal's, 1 tripple, one double and the other deaths were single deaths. it is no fun having a 6 yr old die in your arms.

Take care out there, as the paramedics say...someones stupidity is our job security...
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Old 13-10-2007, 10:34 PM   #23
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What an arseclown. Such trivial bs - how bad could it really be???
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Old 13-10-2007, 10:41 PM   #24
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i saw it on the picture wireless today, thats crazy as !!!!!
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Old 13-10-2007, 11:45 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by dredd_xr6
October 13, 2007 08:03am
The 47-year-old driver of the utility will appear in Beenleigh Magistrates Court today charged with dangerous driving causing death

Thought about murder, but we don't know if that was his intention...
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Old 14-10-2007, 12:25 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by HOON69
1) brownstains aka brownsplains has a wide housing department housing area only streets away from where this happened,
2) as for bogans
definition of one look it up fella ;)
3)the goverment are to blame for the shortage at night for police,this wasnt after hours mate and the first cop was there in minutes not hours,how do i know because MATE i had mates on the scene this happened around 6pm right around when the stations are about to close up.

i know that half the area in south brisbane lose their stations after hours and the police are stretched,i said more patrols you know like them big red shinny F6's etc they drive around in all day long?
not many bogans in the area,mate anytime you feel up for a drive PM me i'll take you on a reality check.


baby was in the wagon,as was a 19 yr old a 15 yr old and the deceased.
both parties knew each other and have had troubles for a year now.
I am well aware of what the area was like even 6 months ago but much of it is changing fast , and as for reality checks you might not suggest that if you knew some of the work I do ... anyway it's looked at the chemicals fueling this shouldn't be so easily available .This and pretty much each year there are 500 coppers dropping out of the force in Qld .. I guess the $25.00 an hour for suffering the stuff they do at the hands of the public and the govco just doesn't cut it ?. I wish I had an answer but one real suggestion is don't rubber neck as it tends to have long term bad results.. but certainly get a first aid cert if you can and maintain it just in case for your loved ones .
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Old 14-10-2007, 03:43 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by charliewool
As soon as I read Fordgirl's post, I thought.... Hmmmm!.. Who'll be the 1st to jump in and criticize her for going for a "gander"... The prize goes to MITCHAY!
(let he who hasn't sinned cast the 1st stone!)
Yeah every time I hear about an accident on the radio I make it a personal endeavour to go have a looksie to satisfy my curiousty :

Sorry but this person did not come across the scene as if they were just innocently passing by in their daily travels, rather they went for a drive to have a look! That is pretty weird IMO :
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Old 14-10-2007, 06:41 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by MITCHAY
Yeah every time I hear about an accident on the radio I make it a personal endeavour to go have a looksie to satisfy my curiousty :

Sorry but this person did not come across the scene as if they were just innocently passing by in their daily travels, rather they went for a drive to have a look! That is pretty weird IMO :
do you rubber neck at accidents?

do you get a good look at a good looking female walking past?

all that is no different,i could say you were sticking your nose into their affairs as its no different except they drove to the scene,i could call you a dirty perve
but hey were human,we are a curious bunch.

no harm no foul lets move on shall we?
A YOUNG man has died and four passengers, including a toddler, were injured after their car was repeatedly rammed by a utility following a fight at a bottle shop south of Brisbane.

Aaron Lewis Priest, 21, was killed after the station wagon he was driving slammed into a power pole on Browns Plains Rd at Browns Plains about 6.40pm om Friday.

Police allege a man driving a yellow Kingswood utility rammed the station wagon up to six times before the car lost control and slammed into the pole.

It is believed the incident occurred after a dispute at the Browns Plains Tavern carpark escalated into a deadly road rage pursuit.

Fifteen-year-old passenger Mitchell Morris is recovering at Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital with serious head injuries after throwing his body protectively across the 18-month old niece of the driver.

Two other passengers were also injured in the accident.

Praising Mitchell's actions, the baby's mother, Anissa Donovan, said apart from some bruising, her daughter was fine.

“She is alright, she was a bit shaken up last night,” Ms Donovan told Network Ten.

“I had to nurse her on my lap on the way because she wouldn't get in the car seat - she just screamed and that.”

Ms Donovan said Mitchell's quick thinking saved her daughter's life.

“Anyone of them in the car would have done it,” she said.

“Aaron would have gave his life for her.”

Another passenger, Wesley Tetuira, escaped with minor injuries after he was thrown out of the car's window.

“We didn't know what to do because it was just like non-stop,” Mr Tetuira told the Seven Network.

“He hit us about five times before we spun out of control and rolled and smashed in half.”

The devastated brother of the slain driver, Nathan Dalton, placed flowers at the scene of the crash today.

“I'm just devastated,” he told Network Ten.

“It's just surreal. It's like it hasn't even happened. All I have to say is that the justice system better do right.”

A 47-year-old man, believed to be known to the dead driver, is due to face Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Monday charged with dangerous driving causing death.
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Old 14-10-2007, 07:03 AM   #29
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This is a tragic series of events. We are best served by moving on and allowing the courts, authorities, counsellors etc to deal with it as best they can.
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