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Old 07-03-2006, 10:02 PM   #1
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Default 2 Questions from a new member

Hey all,

I sort I found this forum by mistake and after reading some of the posts I decided to put a set of 18" BA XR8 mags

I have a 2000 au2 futura that i have just put a set of the above mags on and I am having a problem with the car pulling to the left. Is this just the car needing a wheel alignment?

I am sure it's just a wheel alignment, but just want some advice.

Also i am sorry if this is asked somewhere else but i can't find a proper answer, What oil does ford use when they service the car's and is it alright to use or should i be using something else


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Old 07-03-2006, 10:18 PM   #2
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Every Ford pulls to the left. Get a wheel alignment until next time!
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:19 PM   #3
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Welcome to Aust FF, alpine au - another future addict.

Wider tyres tend to track (follow depressions in the road) or amplify a wheel alignment issue more than narrower tyres. Any alignment problem you have was probably always there but is more pronounced now with wider and lower profile tyres. Just get a wheel alignment (and balance) and you'll be fine.

Ford will use the bare minimum standard oil, rest assured - probably Castrol Magnatec etc. You are far better off changing your oil (and filters) yourself and using a better grade. In most cases you get what you pay for. I find Penrite is a good balance between quality and price.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:38 PM   #4
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Hi All

Thanks for the quick reply's, I will book the car in for a alignment on monday. Thanks Samantha i will get a bottle on the weekend along with a new filter. Ford's service intervals are just to far apart for my liking.

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Old 07-03-2006, 10:39 PM   #5
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I can almost guarantee you the tyres have a flatspot. I had the same prob a few months back where my wheel alignment was very out with my dunlops which had been abused by a steering place and left a flatspot on them.God knows what else they did to it.

Change back to front tyres.I am certain the steering will be shimmy.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:54 PM   #6
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I can almost guarantee you the tyres have a flatspot. I had the same prob a few months back where my wheel alignment was very out with my dunlops which had been abused by a steering place and left a flatspot on them.God knows what else they did to it.
I hope they havent got a flatspot there brand new rims and tyres just put them on today, i sould of said that the were new in my inital post. But i will rotate the tyres

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Old 08-03-2006, 05:33 AM   #7
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just head to ur local steering specialist and tell em u fitted new wheels n tyres..
and it now pulls to the left..

they will more than likley reccomend a balance and aligment..
and ull drive outta there with a nice and straight driving car..

i just did my own oil change
i used Castrol Edge oil
5w30 as is written on the filler cap
was less than $50
and got a valvoline oil filter
both from supercheap

the engine sounds alot smoother now

i also reccomend getting the Max Ellery service manual from supercheap/any local car place as it seems hte most in depth and answers alot of questions like how the hell do i take the rear parcel shelf out

good luck mate
its much cheaper doing it ur self then letting some bozo do it
and at least you KNOW ur doing it right.. especially with people on a forum like this to help guide you with useful tips like DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN UR OIL DRAIN PLUG as it will strip the thread out coz its steel and the sumps alloy..

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Old 08-03-2006, 07:54 AM   #8
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Hi and welcome ...

If you had the rims fitted where you bought the rims, they should of done a wheel alignment for you , if not - then as emntioned above by others thats what you'll be needing .
Also note most cars have a bit of a camber to the top to bottom alignment of the wheels (looking from the very front of the car straight on or the back straight on , the wheels usually sit a bit futher in at the top than at the bottom ) - set like this to improve fast cornering , which usually makes the insides of the tires wear out a bit quicker than the outer side of the tyres. With thin rims/tyres this might be very un-noticable - but the fatter the rims/tyres you go the more obvious it is, so just make sure your camber isn't too steep or ull be riding the new tires on the insides of the treads and wear them out fast, camber can be adjusted to a degree when getting wheel alignment , allthough cars rear ends with IRS and bad camber can be fixed , if lowered too then usually you'll need a camber kit .
As far as oils , everyone has their favourite brands , but stick to the consistency as listed ontop of the oil-cap , as u go into the higher K's (around the 150,000 or more ) and if your engine starts to sound a bit noisy then go a slightly thicker grade oil ;) , depending on how often you oil change will effect the life of your engine and differ the length of time before you have to start using a slightlly thicker oil ..
\ good luck \

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