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Old 10-08-2005, 01:06 PM   #1
Regular Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 52
Angry Ford Factory Alarm - useless ????

I drive an AU3 XR8. Yesterday i had the wonderful, not, experience of having my car broken into at my local shopping centre on the rooftop carpark in a totally open, exposed position in broad daylight. They took my subwoofer which im not too happy about.

What i'm more annoyed and worried about though is what's the point of using my alarm at all when all someone has to do is pick the lock on the driver's door and unlock the doors which disables the alarm ?!?!?!? My lock wasn't even damaged, they probably just used a screwdriver, stuck it in, turned and hey presto - instant access.

My concern now is if the car is so easy to get into by picking the lock is the ignition still going to be disabled or can they hotwire it and drive away ie. is the alarm and it's associated "protection" disabled totally when you open the doors using they traditional key method (or picking the lock) instead of using the remote entry keypad ? Or am i still offered the protection at least from the car being stolen (as obviously it can be broken into easily enough) ....

czechone is offline  

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