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Old 29-06-2010, 11:04 AM   #1
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Default AFL hands out record suspension to Steven Baker


What is everyone's opinion on this issue?

Here's my piece - for what it's worth.

The AFL needs to have a long hard look at the umpires and the match review panel, and how they are to work hand-in-hand together. At the moment, clearly the system does not work.

The record 12-week suspension a result of carryover points and loading due to Baker's poor tribunal record in the past. Fair enough... But when was the last time that a player was charged with 4 seperate infringements?

If the umpires had have done their job correctly and paid free kick(s) when incidents occured, then it would have been clear that Baker had done something wrong and that the punishment for his actions could be handled immediately. Instead, the umpires chose to pay nothing in the way of free kicks and 50m penalties, and in some of the footage you can see the umpire is actually standing RIGHT IN FRONT of the players as they wrestled.

Baker niggled Steven Johnson throughout the game and with no free kicks coming from his actions, he has kept the same tactics and strategy throughout the game - only to find out that he has 4 seperate charges to face after the game!!!

I don't think that what Baker was doing to Johnson was in the spirit of the game (punching his injured hand) but on the other hand - Johnson should have removed himself from the ground if he was infact injured.

But what Baker did to Johnson was no different to what J.Riewoldt did to T.Pears the other week - and this was not sighted by the Match Review Panel.

Johnson's flying elbow that split Baker's eye open was obviously in retaliation, and yes he should be suspended for that action - but how was it different to Chris Judd's elbow that split M.Pavlich's eye the other week also??

I think that the footage of Baker and Johnson after the game should also be taken in to account. Baker went to shake Johnson's hand after the game, and they both acknowledged each other and even smiled at each other - showing that even though their clash on the field was aggressive, they both felt that it was 'all part of the game'.

Baker is known for his tagging skills, and his ability to isolate and infuriate his opponent. He will be a huge loss for the Saints for the period of suspension.

For the record - I am a Hawthorn supporter and have no bias towards these 2 players or the teams for that matter.

I'm interested in everyone's opinion of this matter, and what suggestions are to make sure that something like this does not happen again. Any player receiving 4 seperate charges (and potentially wiping out 1/2 a season) is a bit ridiculous...

Look forward to the responses.


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