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Old 04-05-2016, 01:30 PM   #26
BENT_8's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default Re: Learner drivers... give them a chance...

Originally Posted by ford71V8 View Post
Fair post I guess.
Cars generally don't come to a sudden stop half way around a roundabout. I didn't hit them, so I guess I left enough room yeah?
I was already wary of the car as it was.

The L-plate not being visible was my point of course. Had it been in plain sight I probably would have stayed further back and I certainly would not have lent on the horn to let them know what an *** they have been.

Like someone else said, I have also seen the plates hidden behind tinted glass on hatchbacks with raked rear screens. Its not much different to not wearing them if nobody can see them.

My old man attached huge truck L Plates to mums Corona when I was 16. You could spot them from the adjacent suburb.
I guess theres a lesson in what happened to you for all of us, we shouldnt naturally assume that the person infront, behind or beside us is competent.

I consider myself a defensive driver, confident in my own abilities, whilst cautious of everone around me because as i said earlier, it doesnt matter who's in the right, accidents are everything from inconvenient to tragic and avoidable at all costs if possible.

Trust no one.
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