Originally Posted by arm79
You failed because you stuffed up...
I do love how its the RTA's fault for putting a 'hidden sign' in there which caused you to fail. If you think its going to be different on the road, you are sorely mistaken. They put stuff there like that to see if you are watching and are aware of your surroundings... Not too big an ask in my opinion.
By the sounds of it you never got any professional lessons. If not, big big mistake.
In Victoria, almost every driving school will have a 'Guaranteed Pass or we ill pay for the retest' policy. This is because when you get in the car, the instructor will take you on every route - they are predetermined - and explain every trap and pitfall on the way. My instructor would have said to me, "there is a stop sign at the RTA driveway. Make sure you stop" or "This corner juts out a little more then everyone on their test routes, take it wide or you'll mount it and fail".
yeah, i stuffed up and I'm over it. I still think the sign is in a position which makes it nearly impossible to see once close up. i did the real world test and i didn't miss any stop signs. I missed the stop sign but i gave way to the passing vehicles. The reason I didnt see it is because when i was pulling out my attention was focussed on the car that pulled out infront of me. when i got around the car the sign was no longer in my line of site because it was well above the car and mounted on a fence not a pole which would be right infornt of someone. its placed too high for cars to see once they are within 5 metres. I'm tired of making excuses but i still feel robbed.
I've only had 1 lesson and i think thats enough. 50 bucks seems a waste of money to go more then once. if i went 3 times and hired the car it would have costed me 250 bucks. Not worth it. Even if i fail 2 more times it will still cost less then having 3 lessons and takin the instructors car.
I don't want to seem like a whinger so I'll let it rest. It's over, I failed. Atleast I know that its wasn't because i can't drive. I'll take the test again and i'll pass. No excuses. When i started this thread I was just very heated because i tryed so hard and i thought i did everything right. I was doing so much observation it was just a huge shock that i didn't see the sign. I'm not the first person to do it and i wont be the last.