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Old 09-02-2007, 11:11 PM   #31
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by athol
I remember her when she was a snotty nosed constable and her father was a Super, he got her a job as officer in charge of corridors at H.Q. and so began her rise to the top, she was so fat they had to change the rules so she could get promotion.

ha ha, she has a pigs face. Must be genetic.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:03 AM   #32
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The academic requirements these days are a load of B.S. when I joined the entrance exam consisted of reading a section of the newspaper then spelling some of the words, a quick maths exam and a medical where there was a minimum height, weight ,and chest expansion requirement. It was then of to Redfern Academy for six weeks of training, the study books numbered 3, 2 about 1. inch thick and a Police rule book, this was the bible, anything you needed to know was in the rule book. The pt instructors were there to push you to the limit and beyond, they wanted strong fit police with a good dose of common sense who could handle themselves in a confrontation.

The Redfern riot was an example of a bunch of highly educated fools hiding around the corner going through their books trying to find the scenerio which resembled what was happening. The old bosses who, were, street wise and did wear a gun must be rolling in their graves, they would never line their men up to be slaughtered they would have led the troops into battle and slotted the scum bags.

I suppose you could say i am a silly old fool remembering the good old days, but it was a FORCE and you were respected for the job you did, you were there to protect the public and keep the streets safe and this is definately not happening now. Political correctness and pussy cat Magistrates and Judges together with a team of high ranking idiots running the show, the Police force is on a downhill spiral and it is only going to get worse. I say to any young person thinking of joining think long and hard it is not the job that it used to be.

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Old 10-02-2007, 09:59 AM   #33
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I say to any young person thinking of joining think long and hard it is not the job that it used to be.

Very well said,nice to hear from a fellow pre 88er
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Old 10-02-2007, 02:24 PM   #34
BF XR8 Ute = Bluesmobile
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Educational requirements... to become Constable Plod... lol Don't make me laugh... That's a bit like the Oxymoron 'Military Intellegence'...
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Old 10-02-2007, 06:46 PM   #35
Now XR8TickfordBoy
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All I know from mates that have joined the force here in Vic be prepared to wait and wait and wait, longest job process ive ever seen. I know people that have been going through the process for over 12 months now! Just don't quit ur day job til ur in the academy!
EF XR8- Respray in Monza Red with Clear Coat, Custom Rear Bar, AU V8, EL GT MAF, Rebuilt and Strengthened Auto with Stage 2 Shift Kit, 2,500RPM Stallie and tranny cooler, Rebuilt Diff with 4.11 Gears, Custom Radiator, King Ultra Lows, Pedders Shocks, NL Concorde Rims.
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Old 10-02-2007, 07:51 PM   #36
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by athol
The academic requirements these days are a load of B.S. when I joined the entrance exam consisted of reading a section of the newspaper then spelling some of the words, a quick maths exam and a medical where there was a minimum height, weight ,and chest expansion requirement. It was then of to Redfern Academy for six weeks of training, the study books numbered 3, 2 about 1. inch thick and a Police rule book, this was the bible, anything you needed to know was in the rule book. The pt instructors were there to push you to the limit and beyond, they wanted strong fit police with a good dose of common sense who could handle themselves in a confrontation.

The Redfern riot was an example of a bunch of highly educated fools hiding around the corner going through their books trying to find the scenerio which resembled what was happening. The old bosses who, were, street wise and did wear a gun must be rolling in their graves, they would never line their men up to be slaughtered they would have led the troops into battle and slotted the scum bags.

I suppose you could say i am a silly old fool remembering the good old days, but it was a FORCE and you were respected for the job you did, you were there to protect the public and keep the streets safe and this is definately not happening now. Political correctness and pussy cat Magistrates and Judges together with a team of high ranking idiots running the show, the Police force is on a downhill spiral and it is only going to get worse. I say to any young person thinking of joining think long and hard it is not the job that it used to be.

Back in the "good old days" did the cops really give certain criminals the "green light" as shown in Neddy Smith documentary, or is this just an urban myth? It shows cops actually picking him up from a bank robbery, wtf was going on there?
I guess todays version is the claim middle eastern gangs are let go too easily.
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