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Old 12-11-2007, 04:04 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by danieleast
yeh ok wasnt best example cum 2 think of it but if sumfin 2 do with thier roads fails and kills we dont get 2 reposess it and destroy it.
No but their would be a massive payout as the bridge isn't up to standard.
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Old 12-11-2007, 04:19 PM   #92
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Stupid. Childish. Spin Stabilized Over Hyped headline seeking Monkey Droppings.
We have the lowest road fatalities for half a century, and they are still beating this dead horse.

At the end of the day, seizure and destruction of private property, especially bank owned property or property owned by a third party in some cases, is an infantile knee jerk policy reaction to the media whores baying for blood while trying to gain ratings.

The time has passed for new government. The time has come to declare politicians contraband, seize them, and then have them crushed before they can do more damage to our already screwed up society. We can then video tape it for safety purposes, so that others can see the dangers of anti social behaviour.

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Old 12-11-2007, 06:09 PM   #93
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So whats the definition of "Hoon"?
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:17 PM   #94
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I don't think it will stop racing , burnouts ,etc . It will certainly make some think twice though.
No death is acceptable , but I think it is a band aid exercise . I still believe education and advanced driving courses are the key . The habitual offenders you will not stop . They get off on the danger and they are not all P platers or 18 yrs old. I would bet that a lot of people on these forums give their car some stick every now and then , thats why they mod them , they are just more circumspect where they do it .( at least I hope so)
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:41 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by GTP006
Street racing is an all encompassing term. FFS, even my mum has had plenty of traffic light battles. I would be flabbergasted if anyone on here has never had a squirt with another car off the lights. It might be with your mate, girlfriend, boyfriend, mum, dad, some random person.... whoever, wherever, whenever, whatever.

The only way I could consider crushing cars as a good idea is on the most heinous examples only. Two cars blasting off the lights on a hwy at 11pm on a Tuesday night and stopping at or around the speed limit is street racing, it should be fineable but doesn't even come close to warrant crushing a car.

Anyone who tells me they've never been sideway's or cracked the speed limit (or taken their car to a track to try it out if that way inclined) is as bad as the worst of them out there in my book.

Being high and mighty and staying under the limit at all times with the assumtion that this makes you a good and safe driver is the overwhelming majority that need to be punished - complacency is the biggest killer on our roads - why not crush the family man arguing with his kid's car for being a danger to us all?

The broad definition of hooning has gone far enough, particularly when it is such a minor and trivial part of the overall safety on our roads. Yes it is a choice made by the driver and therefore should be discouraged but FFS, crushing cars???

Where does it stop?

Talk to your local copper/ambo/tilt tray driver and ask them what causes acco's. I bet the answer you get is along the lines of "clusterf&#ks" as the #1 reason. Speed is always a factor - whether it is a determining factor is another question. Alchohol is another factor - though in comparison to complacency it is much rarer (grog prangs, whilst much fewer, are typically worse though).

Normal people drive off highways, normal people drive into playschools, normal people hit pedestrians, normal people take drugs and run over kids at a party, normal people get drunk and crash into cafe's blah blah blah.

Maybe normal isn't so normal?

I don't know about you but I'd much rather be overtaken by some "speeding hoon" than share the road with some clown reading the paper whilst driving or some drongo daddy arguing with his kids in the backseat or some drugged up truck driver or whatever.

This is all about publicity and pandering to the bearded, hat wearing pilot of a family car missile that believes he is the safest driver on the road.
Hrmm..I really agree.

I mean hell, i feel less safe in the car with tailgaters, late brakers or just drivers who dont pay attention over someone doing 160km/h on an empty 4 lane highway at 2am. I car pool everyday with someone who does the speed limit (while talking on the phone, sending emails on his blackberry), but i'd feel more safe with an attentive driver doing $130 if the driver was paying attention! And chances are theres more chance of a crash with an un attentive driver (hell everyday i thank god this particular driver has ABS!)

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Old 12-11-2007, 08:44 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by |||
hear hear

we need to get these idiots out and form a party that takes personal freedom seriously.one day we'll wake up and if we'll be in communist russia or something
It's already here my friend, see in a dictatorship, the people know they live in a fascist state, it's all out in the open, but in a so-called "democracy" the people think they have a choice but what they don't know is that both parties are bought out and have the same goal in mind...taking away your right's!! (what's left of them )...they're one and the same.

As the saying goes "The best slave's are the one's who think they're free".

Okay back on topic, guess where this hoon law came from??...the good 'ol USA...LA to be exact, some cop thought it would be a great idea to take these hooners cars and smash them into a pancake!! :togo:

Of course the cops think they are doing the right thing and making the roads safer but all you have to do is look at the stats, it's all bull%&*@!!
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Old 12-11-2007, 08:51 PM   #97
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Thumbs down

Well it seems that accelerating from the traffic lights is now the number one
crime in this country! It's pretty tragic to see all the usual geriatric nanny-
state supporters like Polyal pipe up saying "If you break the law you should
get your car crushed" & "If you go 63km/h in a 60km/h zone you should get fined."

Punishment needs to handed out where appropriate but it must be fair and just.

In some middle east countries they chop off people's arms for shop lifting.
However, is this not a bit over the top?

In civilised countries (unlike it seems ours) people's property is not
senslessly destroyed, and their limbs also aren't chopped off for shop lifting.

Get a grip on reality Iemma - try to bring the state budget under control -
oh that's right that would be too hard???
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:01 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by BLACK XR6-VCT
Well it seems that accelerating from the traffic lights is now the number one
crime in this country! It's pretty tragic to see all the usual geriatric nanny-
state supporters like Polyal pipe up saying "If you break the law you should
get your car crushed" & "If you go 63km/h in a 60km/h zone you should get fined."
LOL you idiot, where did I say that? Where did anyone say anything like that actually.

For serial offenders I see no problem with it, since when did minor infringements come into it? Nice try.

These threads are like P plater threads, useless as some seem to think the world is against them.

Dont mind me, im off to drive my nanny clevo ute :togo:
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:08 PM   #99
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people will start to take no pride in their cars, buy em ,thrash em, get caught, crush em, buy em, thrash ....

Can I destroy the dog that does its business on our lawn?? health hazard, could harm thousands. NSW GOVERNMENT SUX!!
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:27 PM   #100
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Personally, I seem to have much less problem with 'street racers' - however they may be defined, but more of a problem with just the general apathy the general public has towards driving on the roads, particularly here in NSW. By the way, when did it it only become compulsory to give way to pedestrians on a crossing if the hapless pedestrian manages to make eye contact? I was taught that you had to cover the brake on approach and give way to ANY pedestrian on a crossing - guess that's too old school. Its stuff like that, and tailgaters that scare me. Maybe I live in an area that doesn't see much street racing action. Maybe I am just not on the roads at the wrong times, but give me a highway patrol that keeps people out of the overtaking lane, off my bumper and inside their own lane in their 2.5t 4WD's on the way to kids school and I am happy. No I am not anti 4WD, I have one too so don't flame me. Just my observation.

As for the whole nanny state thing. Who here thinks motorist self enforcement is working? Well its the non-official road law enforcement policy here in NSW and in my view, the standard of driving has never been lower nor the safety of me and my family on the road been more at risk. Bring back the highway patrol. I have nothing to fear. If I want to have a go (I am an enthusiast after all) I will take it to WSID or No Limit days at Wakefield. The streets aren't the place for it. Hit idiots that disrespect the safety of you me and our families where it hurts. Not just 'street racers' but any negligent road behaviour. Why is my or my families health worth less than someones laziness, arrogance, or bravado on public roads? Let them pay Esanda $40K for a cube over the next 5 years - just like drink driver crashers do.

NSW motorists have had their chance to prove they don't need laws or enforcement on the roads. They were given their personal freedoms by enforcement policy (or lack thereof). They proved well and truly they can't be trusted. We the motoring population proved we can't be trusted without enforcement - so here it comes again!
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:56 PM   #101
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Wow.. 100 posts in just over an hour....
Didn't think this would end up hot topic.. LOL
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:27 PM   #102
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If people think that we are "free" then think again.

All this is, is legalised vandalism! I would take the government to court if my car was crushed!!! Its the Harry Potter look a likes that sit back and dictate the rules whilst robbing us of our right to have some fun in life!

I don't agree with people doing 200 km/h down a public steet, but crushing a car for taking off with a bit of stick at a set of lights is ridiculous to say the least, I cannot wait to hear of the first case and see if the government will face any legal backlash.
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:30 PM   #103
Well hello Mr Fancypants
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This method of dealing with hoons is completely unworkable. The WA government lost a case recently to take ownership of a three strikes hoon's Gemini. It was the nastiest car on the road. If we had a regular safety check, such as the English MOT, this car would have been taken off the road a long time ago. The driver was a complete d*#k. However, crushing cars is a can of worms that the government do not want to open. It makes great headlines, makes the politicians sound like they are talking tough, but it will not work.

Your typical hoon car is going to be a big Aussie V8 or Japanese turbo. Think about how much these things cost to buy. Virtually every one of them will be under finance. And, if that is the case, who is the true owner of the vehicle? The finance company. So, hoon goes out and gets his car taken from him. Hoon will not make any more loan repayments. Hoon gets a nasty c redit rating that will stay with him for a long time. Bank gets annoyed about no repayments coming in, reposses car (which they can and will do as they are the rightful owners, not the government), sells car for less than they are owned and goes after hoon for the shortfall. Result? Government doesnt get to crush car and hoon ends up in the financial poo. OR...government get to crush car, bank goes after someone, hoon or government. Chances it will be the one who has the most capacity to repay the debt...the government. And if you dont think it will happen, believe me, there is nothing more that banks love than their money. Try taking that from them and they will unleash an army of lawyers. Result will be the government paying the outstanding balance of any loans on cars they crush.

This kind of legislation is just chest-beating bollocks by politicians to fool the voting public into thinking they care and are doing something.

Lets see what happens and how far this gets.
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:38 PM   #104
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Cant see how this will work.

lets concentrate on the real menaces

old ppl who cant see past 5 feet infront of them

defective vehicles that the average worker uses from 9-5 daily

DUI and drug infected drivers

but nope they wanna target hoons and crush their pride n joy
wont work and wont deter them,all it'll do is make for more police chases and more dangerous driving and possible deaths.
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:43 PM   #105
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for me to speak my true feelings on this would probably end up with me banned from the forums and possibly police rocking up on my doorstep.....

lets just say that it will be a BAD idea to crush any car i own
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 12-11-2007, 11:01 PM   #106
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What can i add here , Okay how about I was doing over 200 km per hour in a 80 zone on SAT night , side by side for about 3mins in a variety of positions on an empty Hwy !!! Why ???, All the cops in south east qld were at the Broadwater car park !!! 5 People lost their cars , some were drink driving , but for fucrks sake , what if we got caught . The front page of the paper would have said 400 km per hour 37 year old HOONS !!!!! There is a time and place for everything , and although we got away with it this night , i pity the poor soul who loses their car in similar conditions because of all this sensationalist CRAP !!! The empty roads only endanger ourselves .... May not go cruising for a while , my Wife would have cut my balls off if our car got impounded !!!
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:12 AM   #107
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: You trying to get another holiday?
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:29 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by GTP006
: You trying to get another holiday?
WTF !!! Keepin it real here mate , this thread will be closed soon enough. Actually have video of our races to compare certain TUNING shops performance . If i posted links to those up , sure then i would probably deserve a holiday - Dont tell me you fall into this "I never break the speed limit thats why i drive a fast car " category Crap ?? There was NO FARKKIN TRAFFIC ,Understand , just TWO Falcons performance testing ,happens every day , every state , reasons were simple enough ! There was a Holden get together on somewhere we wanted to hang , so we made our own fun ! Age has no barriers , you either understand this - or you dont !!! How will i be banned by contributing to an oversly berated topic?
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:34 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by DAZZLER351
Dont tell me you fall into this "I never break the speed limit thats why i drive a fast car " category Crap ??
who me??
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:47 AM   #110
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God this Iemma bloke sounds like a ****, I'm just thankful I live in Victoria.

Oh wait...
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:47 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by ClevlndStemer
I don't see a problem with this if the offender has prior convictions relating to "hooning."
If you didn't learn the first time, when will you lean? It is about time people start taking responsibility for their own actions. You can't blame the car, yes they're built with power and the ability to go fast but how about using some common sense and remove the right foot from the right pedal? There is a time and a place for acting like an idiot. Why not go to a track to do the burnouts and the racing?? Make it legit.
However the government needs a crystal clear definition of hooning before it can be introduced.
amen to that!!!
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Old 13-11-2007, 12:55 AM   #112
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It's possibly the most childish, senseless & moronic law I have ever heard of. It makes me deeply embarrassed of the state of our country & this state.
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Old 13-11-2007, 07:22 AM   #113
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Turns out that the car crushing will only apply to repeat offenders, and reports claim that this will only result in about 10 cars per year being crushed!
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Old 13-11-2007, 07:37 AM   #114
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i could be wrong.. but i'm sure there a similar laws up here in qld... first offense.. car impounded for 48 hours... second offense.. 3 months.. 3rd offense... car is confiscated for good....

taking of property i don't think is the best punishment.. as has been stated earlier.. the punishment will not be fair and even... the guy with the $500 VN or EA loses bugger all.. the guy with the import or late model aussie V8 stands to lose a lot more...

i think hefty jail time would be more of a deterrent then confiscation of a car... not to mention it would be fairer and more even....

there have been some very close minded posts in this thread.. from both ends of the scale... i agree somethign needs to be done.. i do not think confiscating property is the way to go...
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Old 13-11-2007, 07:48 AM   #115
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Before people get their panties in a bunch they should remember one thing; this is NSW we are talking about, nobody ever gets a conviction recorded, they all get suspended sentences or the case thrown out. They already admitted it will only affect maybe 10 cars per year, what a ****.

The reasons are simple. In NSW ("state of disrepair" - this is now on our number plates) we have had an ever increasing gaol population, and to cope with this Morris (Mohammed) Iemma has taken the unprecedented step of closing gaols down; 1 plus 1 equals 3.5 hey morris. But seriously the result is the lowest ever conviction rate in the states history, and unless there is public anger there will be no conviction recorded. Of course though, if there is a large fine to be paid you will still be up for that, as in NSW (formerly New South Wales now No Services or Water), the coffers are broke and need more money for their largesse.
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Old 13-11-2007, 07:52 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by Eu-GenixX
i could be wrong.. but i'm sure there a similar laws up here in qld... first offense.. car impounded for 48 hours... second offense.. 3 months.. 3rd offense... car is confiscated for good....

taking of property i don't think is the best punishment.. as has been stated earlier.. the punishment will not be fair and even... the guy with the $500 VN or EA loses bugger all.. the guy with the import or late model aussie V8 stands to lose a lot more...

i think hefty jail time would be more of a deterrent then confiscation of a car... not to mention it would be fairer and more even....

there have been some very close minded posts in this thread.. from both ends of the scale... i agree somethign needs to be done.. i do not think confiscating property is the way to go...
The difference mate is simple;
Crush your car = $0 cost to the state
Put you in Gaol = $2000.00 per day to the state.

Who do you think your state government (sic) cares about you, or money?
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to power an ants go-cart a half a lap around a Cheerio - Ron Shirley

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Old 13-11-2007, 09:06 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by kocho
So? Should they be doing burnouts in the first place?

Have to laugh at people like you- since when did a static ever kill anyone
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Old 13-11-2007, 09:26 AM   #118
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A street racer in California, USA, watches as his car is crushed as punishment.

Looks like they are already doing it in the States!
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Old 13-11-2007, 10:26 AM   #119
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why are people getting so upset ?

if you drive a legally compliant car, and don't act like a d*ckhead on the road, you should fine. not too much to ask.
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Old 13-11-2007, 10:34 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by freaky
why are people getting so upset ?

if you drive a legally compliant car, and don't act like a d*ckhead on the road, you should fine. not too much to ask.
Oh no but you dont understand, its the governments fault, they hate us and pick on people who just plain old dont deserve it; its unjust, its against the constitution; is frickin mabo!
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