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Old 18-11-2022, 02:41 PM   #1291
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by burnz View Post
i must of missed the memo, wasn't that plane lost for years?
and how did the dutch find evidence of said people?

every country has some form of russian made weapons.
Wrong MH mate…
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Old 18-11-2022, 02:48 PM   #1292
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Mulva View Post
You are right - NATO should go in and take control of the whole of Ukraine right up to the Russian border. I like your idea.

Funny watching the melts on RT about how no members of the CSTO are honouring their requirement to come to Russia's defence due to Ukraine pushing Russia out of the regions of Ukraine that Russia are trying to claim.

Good on Twiggy Forrest committing over half a billion US for Ukraine to rebuild after this is all over. He really does do some great stuff for good causes.

If Nato was to go into Ukraine, then it will be definitely provoking Russia to respond which would lead to unimaginable results with nukes being involved.
People got to remember Russia has also been provoked before this war broke out.
Yea Twiggy Forrest is a nice guy with his contribution, I would also like to know what's in it for him?
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Old 18-11-2022, 04:18 PM   #1293
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

So have they worked out who is telling porkies yet? Both Poland-US and Ukraine can't be telling the truth.

Originally Posted by zilo View Post
things may turn out a bit differently now that the house of reps in the US is held by Republicans....might see some spending reined in.
Hard to tell. A few of the republicans have gotten pretty cozy with Zelenskyy recently. But I do wonder if the contents of a certain laptop will get scrutiny.

Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
Yea Twiggy Forrest is a nice guy with his contribution, I would also like to know what's in it for him?
Ukraine is full of untapped resources and minerals. But I think most of the riches are in or around the Donbas region.

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Old 18-11-2022, 07:59 PM   #1294
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Mulva View Post
If Russia had air superiority they would be leveraging it. It is not SU20 or any other air asset that is keeping Russia's airforce mostly out of the war, it is the surface to air defences.
The fact that Russia is winning even with our MSM telling us how Ukraine is "winning" and with all of the resources of Nato supporting Ukraine still not effective at shutting down the Russian wearing down of Ukraines ability to continue to resist the inevitable, there is little need for planes to be in the air as there are no Ukrainian planes left to shoot at....

Last edited by tichman; 18-11-2022 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 18-11-2022, 08:12 PM   #1295
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by PhilT2 View Post
A Dutch court has found two Russians and one Ukrainian guilty of murdering the passengers on MH17
Amazing, they know where that missile was fired from, by whom and what it hit, all at a time where the bulk of the world had little to no interest in what was happening there at the time yet a couple days ago a missile is fired in an area that the US/UK/Nato and most likely Russia can track whats fired from where and what it hits yet "the evidence suggests it wasn't fired by the Russians" says Biden but Zelotsky still maintains it was Russian which has now annoyed the Poles and Zelotsjy has been told to rein it in by the US admin.

Had the Missile in question been fired by the Russians we would all have seen the plotting of its origin and course via the Wests intelligence, yet strangely they don't seem to have that data or are unwilling to show it as it prove zelotsky to be lying which would raise even more doubt in the West as to the veracity of the overall Western narrative of the Ukraine situation.

Interesting to see that the UK is now officially in a recession, good one Boris, Truss and co, your stupid, idiotic and selfish actions of pushing sanctions against Russia have blown up in your faces and are now costing your citizens dearly. Boris should be held accountable for this economic fiasco in the Uk, along with the leaders of the other Countries that are also suffering economically and socially from their decisions to follow the US lead on trying to intimidate Russia.
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Old 18-11-2022, 08:16 PM   #1296
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Old 18-11-2022, 08:37 PM   #1297
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Once direct attack by Russia was ruled out it was always going to be Russia or Ukraine overshot so a 50/50. This was going to happen eventually and I'm surprised it hasn't happen more.

Either way you look at it, it spins Ukraine way. If they get more accurate anti air defences then it reduces the chances of this happening again. Give them more

Lol air superiority. That was expected but they don't have it otherwise this war would have been won and done.

Russia is just trying to destroy everything and hoping to turn the Ukrainians on their own government to give up. And hoping to wait out the massive support everyone has provided.
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Old 18-11-2022, 09:24 PM   #1298
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
Proxy war with whom involved? USA,Europe, UK, Australia, Iran, Nato countries, etc and the list goes on and which side are we talking about?

I find it amusing ppl just blaming the USA behind this war when there is so many more countries involved.
You ought to wise up to world politics.
You ought to wise up to the REAL world politics and not the narrative your being fed and feed on.

Do some quick research on how many wars, regime change, economic sanctions, military incursions, elected government overthrows etc the US has initiated and/or been involved with since WW2 then come back and tell us all how the US is not the biggest warmonger the world has seen since the British empire building of the 18/1900s.

Just on Ukraine for example, the agreement when the soviet union was dismantled, was for Nato not to expand eastward yet the (and lets all be honest here), US pushed for Nato to expand as they feel the f@@ked up need to dominate the world so put far more $$$ into NAto even when the Euros weren't honoring their financial commitment in % of GDP to Nato and call the shots as far as Nato goes. Just look at the latest events with the rocket from Ukraine into Poland, the worlds media aren't interested in what the French, UK, Canadian, German, Spanish or anyone else's opinion on what to do next, they all go to Biden or whichever corporate prostitute is currently occupying the Whitehouse.
That is the reality of how the world is operating, no one on the West has the balls to go against the US or they will face sanctions, remember Kissinger's statement, "to be an enemy of the US is dangerous but to be a friend can be fatal"

There is no doubt the US is behind all of this, hell if Russia put missiles into Mexico ala Cuban Missile Crisis do you really think the US would not ask Mexico to reconsider and if not, then invade it? That is the exact situation with Ukraine, get it to join Nato then put your weapons and men into that country right on Russia's border which is what they do woth any country that joins their cartel hell bent on Empire Building. Twas Turkiye's and Italy's turn prior to the Cuban crisis and has been repeated many times since.

To think the US is not pulling the strings is just plain naive. Watch and see what happens to the Nato support when the US decides enough is enough and tells zelotsky to settle, will Nato say "oh no, we must keep fighting, we must defeat Russia, we must kick the Russian's out of Ukraine"??? Like f@ck they will, they will fall into line with what the US admin says and that's fact, not fiction.
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Old 18-11-2022, 09:38 PM   #1299
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
Once direct attack by Russia was ruled out it was always going to be Russia or Ukraine overshot so a 50/50. This was going to happen eventually and I'm surprised it hasn't happen more.

Either way you look at it, it spins Ukraine way. If they get more accurate anti air defences then it reduces the chances of this happening again. Give them more

Lol air superiority. That was expected but they don't have it otherwise this war would have been won and done.

Russia is just trying to destroy everything and hoping to turn the Ukrainians on their own government to give up. And hoping to wait out the massive support everyone has provided.
Ffs.... know anything of history? How do you think wars are won? The "massive" support you mention is waning by the week, the phrase "Ukraine Fatigue" is a thing and it is spreading. We can sit here in relative comfort and believe all the tripe served up by our MSM yet when our kids start going hungry, or are freezing cold, we cant afford the mortgage or to run the car, how long do you think you'll be happy to support zelotsky and his US masters if simply getting zelotsky to settle with Russia would end the increasing suffering in Europe and UK etc? Refer back to hurricane Katrina in the US, everything was a mess for a couple days but the real s@it started when people didn't have food but had a gun, if you had a gun you could take food from those who had it, people did things they wouldn't normally do when they are directly affected by things such as not being able to feed your kids etc, we have not experienced that sort of thing so it's easy to look at the whole thing through rose tinted glasses and believe in the "good guys" cos they are on our side... the sad reality being we are pawns on "their" side as long as it suits them.

NZ went anti nuke back in the 80s, a fair enough choice for a sovereign nation one would think, a nation who should be able to say what does and doesn't come into it's waters or land yet our "friend' the US decided to punish NZ for not allowing it's Nukes in and that is their MO, do as we say or else. fx@k the US and it's bully boy tactics.

Russia will win, the US nor Nato can stop it and they all know it. The longer it goes on the more $$$ the US military machine makes out of it all, along with the LNG it's now sending those Europeans who are getting colder by the week....
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Old 18-11-2022, 09:44 PM   #1300
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Jesus christ mate you are cooked

Kiwis like to think they are independent but hide under Australia and therefore US umbrella
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Old 19-11-2022, 12:12 AM   #1301
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
The fact that Russia is winning even with our MSM telling us how Ukraine is "winning" and with all of the resources of Nato supporting Ukraine still not effective at shutting down the Russian wearing down of Ukraines ability to continue to resist the inevitable, there is little need for planes to be in the air as there are no Ukrainian planes left to shoot at....
lol, planes and choppers have far more use than shooting down enemy aircraft - once you gain air superiority you use it to support ground forces. If Russia had air superiority their ground forces would have been able to call in air support to prevent having to surrender huge amounts of territory including giving up Kherson. They'd probably have managed to destroy a HIMARs or two by now

Re your other comment about preventing NATO expansion and Russia will win...Ukraine were not eligible to join NATO due to the fact they had disputes before the invasion started. But lets ignore that and say this war is about preventing NATO's expansion and missiles being placed on Russia's border - then what a spectacular cluster-**** of a result for Russia, with Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

If you are right - this is all about Russia keeping NATO away from Russia's borders - then Russia has already lost. They lost when Finland agreed to join NATO.

Weird thing is, when announcing their intention to join NATO, neither Finland nor Sweden mentioned being persuaded by the US. They said it is because of Russia that they are joining NATO. Seems to be the same reason as the ex-soviet countries that have asked to join NATO since the Soviet Union **** the bed in the early 90s - they join NATO so Russia won't invade them.

Putin could end up wishing he joined NATO when his military is near depleted and China starts looking at taking back Russia's far east lol

Last edited by Mulva; 19-11-2022 at 12:22 AM.
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Old 19-11-2022, 12:33 AM   #1302
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

If Ukraine forces can push south of the Dnipro I think they are on the way for the win.
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Old 19-11-2022, 03:41 AM   #1303
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
You ought to wise up to the REAL world politics and not the narrative your being fed and feed on.
Do you fold the alfoil like a pirate hat, or just scrunch it on like a beanie?
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Old 19-11-2022, 07:42 AM   #1304
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

finally some truth for the public..
I don't often hear the sound of a screaming LSX.
But when I do, So do the neighbours..
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Old 19-11-2022, 08:24 AM   #1305
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Mulva View Post
lol, planes and choppers have far more use than shooting down enemy aircraft - once you gain air superiority you use it to support ground forces. If Russia had air superiority their ground forces would have been able to call in air support to prevent having to surrender huge amounts of territory including giving up Kherson. They'd probably have managed to destroy a HIMARs or two by now

Re your other comment about preventing NATO expansion and Russia will win...Ukraine were not eligible to join NATO due to the fact they had disputes before the invasion started. But lets ignore that and say this war is about preventing NATO's expansion and missiles being placed on Russia's border - then what a spectacular cluster-**** of a result for Russia, with Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

If you are right - this is all about Russia keeping NATO away from Russia's borders - then Russia has already lost. They lost when Finland agreed to join NATO.

Weird thing is, when announcing their intention to join NATO, neither Finland nor Sweden mentioned being persuaded by the US. They said it is because of Russia that they are joining NATO. Seems to be the same reason as the ex-soviet countries that have asked to join NATO since the Soviet Union **** the bed in the early 90s - they join NATO so Russia won't invade them.

Putin could end up wishing he joined NATO when his military is near depleted and China starts looking at taking back Russia's far east lol
You’re just replying to an example of “Vranyo”.
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Old 19-11-2022, 08:36 AM   #1306
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by burnz View Post
finally some truth for the public..
I still haven't worked out if this is a clever part of his comedy routine or if he really has left the planet...
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Old 19-11-2022, 12:21 PM   #1307
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
Once direct attack by Russia was ruled out it was always going to be Russia or Ukraine overshot so a 50/50. This was going to happen eventually and I'm surprised it hasn't happen more.
Ritter describes how anti air missile systems work in that link. It hasn't happened more because they don't go stray in the opposite direction

Leads me to think it was either a deliberate act by the Ukrainian army, or it was indeed a stray missile fired by Russia, and NATO is telling porkies as they don't want to put boots on the ground and start WW3.

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Old 19-11-2022, 02:00 PM   #1308
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by FairmontGS View Post
I still haven't worked out if this is a clever part of his comedy routine or if he really has left the planet...
what part?? all modern warfare is about money laundering,
was rinse repeat, this happened in WW2 america sold weapons to England and Germany..

this conflict is not meant to be won by either side just stalemate to line the pockets..
I don't often hear the sound of a screaming LSX.
But when I do, So do the neighbours..
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Old 19-11-2022, 03:42 PM   #1309
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
You ought to wise up to the REAL world politics and not the narrative your being fed and feed on.

Do some quick research on how many wars, regime change, economic sanctions, military incursions, elected government overthrows etc the US has initiated and/or been involved with since WW2 then come back and tell us all how the US is not the biggest warmonger the world has seen since the British empire building of the 18/1900s.

Just on Ukraine for example, the agreement when the soviet union was dismantled, was for Nato not to expand eastward yet the (and lets all be honest here), US pushed for Nato to expand as they feel the f@@ked up need to dominate the world so put far more $$$ into NAto even when the Euros weren't honoring their financial commitment in % of GDP to Nato and call the shots as far as Nato goes. Just look at the latest events with the rocket from Ukraine into Poland, the worlds media aren't interested in what the French, UK, Canadian, German, Spanish or anyone else's opinion on what to do next, they all go to Biden or whichever corporate prostitute is currently occupying the Whitehouse.
That is the reality of how the world is operating, no one on the West has the balls to go against the US or they will face sanctions, remember Kissinger's statement, "to be an enemy of the US is dangerous but to be a friend can be fatal"

There is no doubt the US is behind all of this, hell if Russia put missiles into Mexico ala Cuban Missile Crisis do you really think the US would not ask Mexico to reconsider and if not, then invade it? That is the exact situation with Ukraine, get it to join Nato then put your weapons and men into that country right on Russia's border which is what they do woth any country that joins their cartel hell bent on Empire Building. Twas Turkiye's and Italy's turn prior to the Cuban crisis and has been repeated many times since.

To think the US is not pulling the strings is just plain naive. Watch and see what happens to the Nato support when the US decides enough is enough and tells zelotsky to settle, will Nato say "oh no, we must keep fighting, we must defeat Russia, we must kick the Russian's out of Ukraine"??? Like f@ck they will, they will fall into line with what the US admin says and that's fact, not fiction.
Just don't single out USA as the only country pulling the strings when there are many other countries doing the same, think you should look at the big picture of what is happening in this world of ours.
Yes, USA has for sure been involved in the background, but you seem to forget all the other big players.
If you think US admin controls the west, then think again.
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Old 19-11-2022, 08:40 PM   #1310
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
If Ukraine forces can push south of the Dnipro I think they are on the way for the win.
What planet are you living on?.
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Old 19-11-2022, 10:10 PM   #1311
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
The fact that Russia is winning even with our MSM telling us how Ukraine is "winning" and with all of the resources of Nato supporting Ukraine still not effective at shutting down the Russian wearing down of Ukraines ability to continue to resist the inevitable, there is little need for planes to be in the air as there are no Ukrainian planes left to shoot at....
Mate, how is Russia winning?
They lost the Battle of Kyiv, they’ve lost Kharkiv, Izyum, Lyman, and now Kherson — 50% of the territory they took. They’ve lost thousands of troops, including their best — VDV, 1st Guards Tank Army, etc — and will likely lose thousands more at the rate they’re going through their newly mobilised troops. (Why did they have to mobilise people? Because they were doing so well?)
They’ve spent months trying to take towns like Bakhmut and Avdiivka, without success, while Ukraine has reclaimed thousands of square kilometres, including recently annexed “Russian” territory.
Russia is getting 1960s tanks out of storage because they’ve lost all their newer stuff, has started using Iranian gear, including body armour and helmets, because they’ve run out of their own stuff. Their morale is low, their supply lines are threatened, soldiers don’t have enough food or good equipment and winter is coming.
Meanwhile, Ukraine is getting support from countries around the globe, with billions of dollar’s worth of the latest gear, warm winter clothing, ammunition, better artillery, and so on.
Seriously, how are they winning?

A selection of sources if you’re interested
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Old 19-11-2022, 10:41 PM   #1312
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by burnz View Post
Russia has air superiority, can attack with with almost impunity.
Ukrainian su20 are no match for the mig31 this was a given.
Russia doesn’t have air superiority, and can’t attack with impunity because of Ukrainian ground-based air defences including man-portable air defences like Stingers, which are bad for low flying assets like Su-25 and Ka-50s. But they’re definitely using their better fighters to their advantage.

There’s a really interesting analysis by Dr Justin Bronk, Nick Reynolds and Dr Jack Watling of the Royal United Services Institute (UK defence analysts, not MSM) https://rusi.org/explore-our-researc...ts-air-defence
Ward Carroll’s interview with Justin Bronk covers a lot of what’s in the report https://youtu.be/YYDnspMWdaM
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Old 20-11-2022, 08:12 AM   #1313
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Post Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by burnz View Post
what part?? all modern warfare is about money laundering,
was rinse repeat, this happened in WW2 america sold weapons to England and Germany..

this conflict is not meant to be won by either side just stalemate to line the pockets..
Hey burnz,
I’ve never heard of America selling weapons to Germany in World War 2. Seems a bit unlikely as well seeing given the Nazi’s views on everything not German and how much better the German weapons often were.
I’ve heard about American companies in Germany (Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola Germany because they couldn’t get the ingredient for Coke!) but not weapons.
Also America’s Neutrality Acts from 1935 which were meant to prevent arms shipments to foreign countries.
Got any sources? My googling didn’t come up with much.

Last edited by Blatmann; 20-11-2022 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Added googling results and bit about Neutrality Acts
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Old 20-11-2022, 09:46 AM   #1314
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Blatmann View Post
Hey burnz,
I’ve never heard of America selling weapons to Germany in World War 2. Seems a bit unlikely as well seeing given the Nazi’s views on everything not German and how much better the German weapons often were.
I’ve heard about American companies in Germany (Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola Germany because they couldn’t get the ingredient for Coke!) but not weapons.
Also America’s Neutrality Acts from 1935 which were meant to prevent arms shipments to foreign countries.
Got any sources? My googling didn’t come up with much.
Seems like just another made up conspiracy lol
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Old 20-11-2022, 10:43 AM   #1315
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
The facts are no matter what "lol"s some wrap their deluded comments in, Ukraine is losing and will lose. The US is already behind the scenes looking at ways to extract itself from the mess it has created and pursued. The only real way for that to happen is for the Ukraine to seek peace and accept it will not and cannot join Nato.

As has been shown in past major conflicts, a nations ability to wage war relies on raw materials and man power, the Ukraine loses to Russia on both count and it is becoming clearer by the day that Europeans have finally started to grow weary of sending more and more money and resourses to Ukraine to fight a war that didn't need to happen and is only penalising them through the sanctions etc.

Even the Ukrainians are becoming disillusioned with their countries leader now that the real effects of a war such as power and water infrastructure is being knocked out with 75% blackouts in Ukraine becoming regular and all this coming after the Wests MSM has been telling everyone that Russia was short on stocks of missiles etc.

Only the naive, ignorant, deluded or downright stupid believe that Russia will lose what it has reunited back to it's country. Putin has seen in recent months Bojo and Truss (whos comments re beating Putin did not age particularly well) come and go and will see more European and most likely another US president shown the door in his time.
You may be right but then the Russians probably thought the same when they rolled into Afghanistan. I’m guessing Vlad didn’t envisage he’d be getting it handed to him this far down the track when he first rolled across the border either?
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Old 20-11-2022, 11:27 AM   #1316
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We all agree that this is only going to end one way. But what then? A defeated, humiliated and impoverished Russia will be of no use to anyone and susceptible to radical influences. The opportunity presents to remake Russia as a democratic, peaceful state and lift up its population.

The Brookings Institute has been thinking it through.

Time for the West to think about how to engage with defeated Russia

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Old 20-11-2022, 11:42 AM   #1317
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by jd dad View Post
You may be right but then the Russians probably thought the same when they rolled into Afghanistan. I’m guessing Vlad didn’t envisage he’d be getting it handed to him this far down the track when he first rolled across the border either?
The deluded Russian Bots think Russia is fighting Nazi’s and Satanists, but so does the Russian population.

The sad thing is that, the probably “not Australians”, that are posting on “Ford Australia Ford Forums” about their support of a murderous regime.

This Regime eliminates Political opposition, and because their military is incompetent (and backwards because they can’t “beat” the Ukrainian armed forces), they target Civilians (including children) with bombing, and their rapidly diminishing stocks of missiles.

But hey, the Regime is “winning”, because they invaded another country and murdered families and normal people, and now they have lots of looted washing machines and toilets.

The Ruzzian trolls on here will say innocent people murdered by the Ruzzian military are legitimate targets, because they’re supporting Nazi’s and Satan.

But those same trolls will never have been in a “war zone” or suffered the deprivation that comes with this sort of conflict. “But” it’s all about eliminating “Nazi’s” and “Satanists”, and these “People” are cheering for the Invaders’ “victory”.

The “troll response” then goes on about “what about”, as they try to deflect.

Ruzzia will lose, their “Mobiks” won’t get the “flowers, bread and salt”, and acceptance from normal Ukrainians that are being occupied, and Ruzzia’s economy will be ground into dust in the next 2 years.
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Old 20-11-2022, 01:23 PM   #1318
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

The linked article does remind of some salient points, particularly the need to prepare ahead for transitioning of opinions, actions in the presumption of ultimate withdrawal from this conflict by the Soviets Russia.

Mr Baev is published in other journals besides the Brookings Institute piece, Google Translate may assist: https://nv.ua/opinion_author/baev.html (New Voice, an outward-looking pro-Western media group.)

I don’t think one has to be Australian to deplore murderous waste; it’s just humanitarianism. Australia, in the post Terra Nullius era, has a record of craven fealty to third parties which I think sadly includes those lauding Vladimir Vladimirovich. (Perhaps that light would be dimmed if we just called him Robbie Jr?)
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Old 20-11-2022, 01:47 PM   #1319
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

I would hesitate to say a guy with 6000 nukes will lose, he did say he would use any means necessary to defend his newly stolen land.
Backing someone into a corner and humiliating them, confiscating and perhaps even using Russias own wealth to pay for weapons used against them, well, I wouldn’t rule anything in or out just yet.
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Old 20-11-2022, 03:42 PM   #1320
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by Blatmann View Post
Mate, how is Russia winning?
They lost the Battle of Kyiv, they’ve lost Kharkiv, Izyum, Lyman, and now Kherson — 50% of the territory they took. They’ve lost thousands of troops, including their best — VDV, 1st Guards Tank Army, etc — and will likely lose thousands more at the rate they’re going through their newly mobilised troops. (Why did they have to mobilise people? Because they were doing so well?)
They’ve spent months trying to take towns like Bakhmut and Avdiivka, without success, while Ukraine has reclaimed thousands of square kilometres, including recently annexed “Russian” territory.
Russia is getting 1960s tanks out of storage because they’ve lost all their newer stuff, has started using Iranian gear, including body armour and helmets, because they’ve run out of their own stuff. Their morale is low, their supply lines are threatened, soldiers don’t have enough food or good equipment and winter is coming.
Meanwhile, Ukraine is getting support from countries around the globe, with billions of dollar’s worth of the latest gear, warm winter clothing, ammunition, better artillery, and so on.
Seriously, how are they winning?

A selection of sources if you’re interested
Fact = Russia still has some 20% of some land once called Ukraine.
It is accepted that Ukrainian losses of men is multiple times that of Russian losses.
German mobile artillery units are breaking down and wearing out from the use they have received and there are no replacement s coming for them.
Russia hasn't lost all their "newer" stuff at all. Only a fool would send their best into a small, isolated incident as that in Ukraine. Russia has not declared war against Ukraine and therefore has not geared up in a way it would do if required.
Just on tanks, if you've ever been shot at by a rifle you'll appreciate having armour to protect you. Even 1960s tanks are formidable weapons against rifles and bullets and whilst they can be taken out (as any tank can by anti tank munitions, even 2020 ones) they are still useful and required in the special military type operation underway in Ukraine.
Tank numbers by country according to globalfirepower.com and armedforces.eu

Russia 12000 odd
Nato in Europe 8000 odd

Given the fact that European Countries are reducing the amount or arms and munitions they are sending Ukraine due to running low on stock themselves, Russia has the numbers to succeed.

The "billions" that has been sent has not made much real difference on the situation there. The US and other Nato countries are cutting back what they are committing to Ukraine as they all now acknowledge it will not affect the outcome in a material way and those countries all have pressing domestic issues that their citizens are demanding be addressed.

The withdrawal from Kherson has been well documented by renown sources that acknowledge there was little strategic value in retaining it.

The fact is Ukraine is going to lose. Nothing will change that fact unless Nato goes into Ukraine which just will not happen.

The western media continues with inaccurate accounts of what is really happening in Ukraine and the state of Russia's ability to continue the special operation. Western Media and experts stated for some time that Russia was running out of missiles (all propaganda to make the naive and ignorant believe that all of the efforts of many nations and some $100 billion meant Russia was going to lose) only to find over this last week Russia has not run out of missiles or is anywhere near it when it decimated Ukrainian infrastructure with some 180 odd missiles which Ukraine could only counter by deliberately firing a missile into Poland in an amateur and failed attempt to frame Russia as attacking Poland, a clear false flag attempt from Zelotsky who, as a true comic would, keeps claiming it was a Russian Missile when Biden, Poland and others have stated it wasn't.

You can keep believing what you will from getting your information from one side of the conflict I don't mind at all. I prefer to get information from both sides, wait to see it is validated before forming my opinion. Also knowing how historic battles have been fought/turned out in the Eastern European theatre can be helpful in understanding and or predicting how this latest scrape will turn out, given the combatants in the scrape.
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