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Old 09-02-2011, 09:00 AM   #61
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Food vouchers wont work, bludgers will just swap them for drugs or money.
Centerlink should start a work for the dole program where they get dole bludgers to grow pot then have it provided to the bludgers who want it with a reduced paycheck. If it is grown by people on the dole it will reduce cost to the tax payer and decrease steet value, if this was done with all drugs (which they would be able to get anyway) it would also reduce crime and might help prevent their kids going without as the money they receive can then be spent on what's really required.
Drugs being a crime just creates further crime, the government needs to wake up and handle it as a health problem instead to save all our tax payers money.
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Old 09-02-2011, 11:59 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by JC
I'm not sure what planet you are from, but there is no "dole office". There is Centrelink and they are very interested in anyone taking the system for a ride. To say the government doesn't care shows a total lack of understanding - sometimes the government is slow, but the wheels do turn, and people are always given the benefit of doubt and are treated as innocent until proven guilty.

BTW, I do NOT work for Centrelink, but I do have some idea of how government works and what interests them.
Sure! centrelink.
My mate who's the best mate to the pommy lounge lizard said he him self was hounded constantly when he was on the dole. but his old mate the pommy lounge lizard never got hounded at all. go figure

And as for the dude up the road i offered him a job i said 1 hour or 2 a week no pressure just to get him started but no way. he freaked out that if he did so, he could maybe get kicked off the dole. true story!
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Old 10-02-2011, 09:08 AM   #63
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The bludger in the OP is capable of working. He has a job laying carpet. (Must be getting paid under the table). He also sets up crab pots, and sells pot for extra money.

Obviously its not enough for him and he needs to get extra from the taxpayers. I would say dob him in. Instead of contributing, he is robbing the system. And the Government is more serious about welfare and taxation crimes than they about things like murder and rape. This will be pursued rigorously.
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Old 10-02-2011, 12:30 PM   #64
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Why not just man up and confront him yourself.
If you feel that strongly about it - tell him he is a lazy ***** and you don't like that he is bludging of the tax payers dollar.

Sometimes "dobbers" have ill intentions and in fact "dobbers" don't really have a great reputation either.
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Old 10-02-2011, 12:37 PM   #65
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just tell him you want 90% of his centrelink money and 50% of his pot

win win situation, he gets to keep his centrelink and his pot, you get money and some pot
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Old 10-02-2011, 01:14 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by 69XWGT
I know this guy that is ripping off the system.
You know, or just heard of through your mate?

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
He supposedly has a bad back and is on a disability pension, but goes to work on a casual basis with a bloke that is a carpet layer and carries full rolls of carpet into houses.
Do you know what % of disability he has, he may well be able to work part time, declare some earnings but be unable to perform regular duties everyday.

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
When he not working laying carpet he is out fishing often throwing a cast net for Prawns(which he sells) for hours on end or out pulling crab pots(which he sells as well). The limit for crab pots is 4 per person and yet this grub has around 30 pots sunk..
You know this for sure and have evidence?
I play lawn bowls with many pensioners who cant work as a result of disability, but can bend and deliver bowls 25-30mtrs up a 12 second green, perhaps centrelink should raid all bowls clubs.

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
He also breeds and sells finches
This could be considered a hobby, like collecting cans for recycling as we do in SA at 10c each, do you know what his outlay is to breed the finches and the number he actually sells.

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
He is a pothead and small time pot seller.
I dont think he is a pioneer there.

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
He is a mate of mate.
It sounds as though your mate is far more familiar with his activities, does he share your need to dob him in?

Originally Posted by 69XWGT
He's just bludging on the rest of the Australian society that goes to work and pays taxes.

Should i call Centrelink and or the police??
Yeah why not, you have all the facts...

Whilst im not condoning his behaviour, you may not have enough evidence to back up your claims, infact if he is truely a mate of a mate and this is where the claims have come from it is purely heresay.

I have a mate who drives a truck, he is also on a disability pension but can perform part time duties however occasionally his illness see's him laid up for days without pay. His pension suppliment comes in handy then and centrelink are fine with that.
A few years ago he split from his ex and stayed with me until he got himself a place, about 2 months, he contributed to the shopping.
His ex dobbed me in to centrelink and told them he was paying me rent, which wasnt true.
I had to spend hours on the phone plus half a day dealing with centrelink to explain the situation.
I was told by them that a good deal of the complaints they recieve are from jealous people or people with no evidence to back up which inturns costs them resources to sift through the BS.
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Old 10-02-2011, 01:52 PM   #67
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Never knew so many on AFF had the green thumb! hahaha

If you feel strongly enough about it hire a Private investigator to do some sniffing around. He'll gather the evidence you need. Or you could do you're own. Just get yourself a good camera, long range lens and get your stalk on.
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Old 10-02-2011, 03:44 PM   #68
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In answer to the original question, I'm surprised no-one has sugessted yet to just mind your own business!!
: 30 years later
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Old 10-02-2011, 04:44 PM   #69
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Lol, i would take a guess and say it would have been too late even if that were the first reply.
I'd go as far as to suggest the call had already been made, he started doubting himself and looked to get reassurance.

Mind you, i say that without having any evidence to support my theory, but apparently thats ok.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:26 AM   #70
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There's so much talk of this "Centrelink" in this thread. I've never heard of it.

Do you mean the place called "Sennalink"? I've heard of Sennalink, hear of it everyday from customers at work.
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Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:48 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by zdcol71
In answer to the original question, I'm surprised no-one has suggested yet to just mind your own business!!
I would have to agree.....
What would he get from centrelink anyways? $200 per week? take the rent, food, the cost of living and what would he really end up with?.. Yeah everyone in the world is a saint, say you grassed him in (excuse the pun) how would you feel if his life went downhill from there, does he support a family? what he is doing is not right but each to their own, move along with your own life!!
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Originally Posted by zetec
I know what lengths they go to to ensure it's more than just a Ford sticker on the part. Ford doesn't throw it's name on anything for a quick buck.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:32 AM   #72
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While I dont agree with what he is doing , I have never been a nark or dobber. This was a way of life since second class, when I mean everyone in the class would never ever ever dob on anyone else, no matter what. If they wanted to own up to something which was sometimes the case , then they would , but if they did not they knew that they would not be dobbed in. We had fairly small classes and a dobber would be ousted by the rest to the point they found out it was not worth it and it would never happen behond 2nd class. My old man used to say to me "no one likes a dobber" and for the record he is one of the most law abiding citizens you could find.

You also have another problem 69xw. The fact that you have also mentioned to someone that knows him that you are planning on dobbing him in. Once he finds out it was you though jibber on the drink from other people , you or your property or vehicle could be put at risk. So ,you may be just putting crap on yourself by narking on this bloke. Just remember as my very law abiding citizen father used to say to me" no ones like a dobber". Good luck with it you may need it. You where obviously not in my class as a kid .
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:41 AM   #73
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NO one likes a dobber?

Do you also walk past someone being beaten up?

Turn a blind eye when someone is smahing in a car window?

How about when someone is committing fraud at their work and ripping off their boss to the tune of half a million?

Or you know of someone who is committing child abuse?

Great sence of morals..... this is one of the reasons this country has gone down the tubes... turn a blind eye, say nothing, walk away.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:51 AM   #74
Bud Bud
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Originally Posted by svo347
I would have to agree.....
What would he get from centrelink anyways? $200 per week? take the rent, food, the cost of living and what would he really end up with?.. Yeah everyone in the world is a saint, say you grassed him in (excuse the pun) how would you feel if his life went downhill from there, does he support a family? what he is doing is not right but each to their own, move along with your own life!!
While I actually agree with you in principal, (and I too cannot believe that more people have not suggested to the OP to mind their own business) don’t trivialise the only $200 support from the tax payer either. How many more people can we support on only $200 a week especially if they are rorting the system in the first place, is there a number?

That is the conundrum and is why this is such an emotive issue.

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Old 11-02-2011, 10:53 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by svo347
I would have to agree.....
What would he get from centrelink anyways? $200 per week? take the rent, food, the cost of living and what would he really end up with?.. Yeah everyone in the world is a saint, say you grassed him in (excuse the pun) how would you feel if his life went downhill from there, does he support a family? what he is doing is not right but each to their own, move along with your own life!!
Everyone gets the same chance to supporting themselves and their family. 99% of us do it without rorting the system. When they do rort the system, it generally screws it up for everyone.

I say ruin his life if need be. He's taking advantage of the rest of the country and he should pay the consequence.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:10 AM   #76
as in chopped
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Originally Posted by Jim Goose
NO one likes a dobber?

Do you also walk past someone being beaten up?

Turn a blind eye when someone is smashing in a car window?

How about when someone is committing fraud at their work and ripping off their boss to the tune of half a million?

Or you know of someone who is committing child abuse?

Great sence of morals..... this is one of the reasons this country has gone down the tubes... turn a blind eye, say nothing, walk away.
No one does like a dobber - that's a fact.

No one likes criminals or asshats either.
Lot's of people still act when they see wrong being done.
The ones who don't and walk by are the ones most likely to "dob".

The country is going down the tube due to Political Correctness.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:11 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Jim Goose
NO one likes a dobber?

Do you also walk past someone being beaten up?

Turn a blind eye when someone is smahing in a car window?

How about when someone is committing fraud at their work and ripping off their boss to the tune of half a million?

Or you know of someone who is committing child abuse?

Great sence of morals..... this is one of the reasons this country has gone down the tubes... turn a blind eye, say nothing, walk away.

If I saw someone in trouble on the street I would be the first to help out and it has nothing to do with dobbing you dope.You were also obviuosly not in my class as a kid. You then mention turn a blind eye, this again has nothing to do with dobbing. As for your child abuser he would probably be sorted out the unlegal way which would be more effective than the legal way, as we know how soft the legal system is. Now stop living up to your name and go and nark on somebody.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:19 PM   #78
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FFS people, chances are this guy has worked and paid taxes at some point in his life, we dont know ALL the facts and neither does the nark...i mean the OP.

If this government and all us tax payers are so concerned with money going where it doesnt belong, why do we send millions, if not billions off shore to 3rd world countries, do they support our tax revenue system?

How much does it cost to keep 1 murderer or rapist in jail for one year of a life sentence, on the off chance they become rehabilitated?

What does it cost to keep 'refugees' and i use that term loosely, in a detention centre for processing?
And how much money do they then get when housed from the government to subsidise their rent, add them to the public health strain etc.

Do either of these groups deserve our tax dollars spent, or should we euthenase or send home instantly?

Our government thinks nothing of taking our taxes, registration and other forms of revenue raising, yet our roads are crap, our health system is falling apart, government housing is all but gone etc. etc.

We get F all in return and they get pay rises and big fat pensions at the end of it, not to mention a high paying job in the private sector.
Then they conveniently set up dob in lines and expect ordinary people to do their dirty work for them.

Honestly, this country is going to **** because people stick their nose in other peoples business!

Last edited by BENT_8; 11-02-2011 at 12:33 PM.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:46 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by dave289
If I saw someone in trouble on the street I would be the first to help out and it has nothing to do with dobbing you dope.You were also obviuosly not in my class as a kid. You then mention turn a blind eye, this again has nothing to do with dobbing. As for your child abuser he would probably be sorted out the unlegal way which would be more effective than the legal way, as we know how soft the legal system is. Now stop living up to your name and go and nark on somebody.

It has everything to do with "dobbing"... what are we 12yrs old? or adults?
If you see something criminal happening you call for the Police... in your own words your saying people shouldnt ring the police because they are "dobbing" and will be shunned by everyone.. same thing with centrelink fraud... no difference whatsoever.
This is the type of attitude i was talking about.... see nothing, do nothing, say nothing, walk away, leave the status quo, dont rock the boat... what ever other moniker you want to dress it up as

The excuse that the government rips us off so we should also rip off the government is like a kid following his mates like sheep do.... "well everyone else does it, so can i".... as if to justify doing something wrong.

Everyone speeds, so will i.
Everyone drinks and drive, so will i
Everyone does drugs, so will i
Everyone steals from the boss, so will i.....
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 11-02-2011, 01:01 PM   #80
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Jim, ive always been a silent supporter of yours, but lately your PC BS has made it hard!

Our government are elected to office by the people they represent, are paid well and live comfortable lives.
No different to you or i being employed by someone by way of a interview.

The thing is, our current goverment has been sub par, wasting tax payers $$'s and in return they extend their taxes and hammer us for every cent they can to return themselves to appear productive before the next evaluation...i mean election.

If you or i were employed like this, underperformed and expected everyone below us to pick up the slack would we deserve any recognition or support from the common man?

No, i should think not.

Perhaps the government could employ this poor injured man at Centrlink as an investigator to find the dodgy claimants themselves.
But that would be too complicated and cost them money, especially considering they make it sound so cool to get average Joe, or Jim as it appears, to do it for them.
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Old 11-02-2011, 01:36 PM   #81
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Ok so this bloke gets paid $200 a week to do nothing, but yet we pay thousands and thousands of politicains and the like $2,000+ a week to do nothing. If we really wanted to save the taxpayer some money we should gets thousands of these politicians of the dole( the $2,000 dollar a week dole that is).
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Old 11-02-2011, 02:43 PM   #82
Bud Bud
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Guys Guys Guys, you were doing so well untill this
Originally Posted by BENT_8
Perhaps the government could employ this poor injured man at Centrlink as an investigator to find the dodgy claimants themselves.
But that would be too complicated and cost them money, especially considering they make it sound so cool to get average Joe, or Jim as it appears, to do it for them.
Originally Posted by dave289
Ok so this bloke gets paid $200 a week to do nothing, but yet we pay thousands and thousands of politicains and the like $2,000+ a week to do nothing. If we really wanted to save the taxpayer some money we should gets thousands of these politicians of the dole( the $2,000 dollar a week dole that is).
Nobody gets payed anything from centre link, it is a cash support only. It is not a job It is money awarded to people in time of need and it is administer on our behalf (the tax payer) in this case by centre link. It is not pay. It should not be abused and it should not go to anyone who is self employed by means of illegal cray pots or drug dealing or what ever else these types of individuals choose to do with their life.

The OP was quite rightly annoyed enough to ask the question, but he (at least not publicly stating here) did not dob, lag, nark or dog on anyone. And just because Jimgoose thinks that morally he or anyone else should, then that does not make him wrong either. In fact quite the opposite, he is right. I know I wouldn't do it but that probably is because of the lessons you learn in grade 2 as others have suggested, but that also probably makes me weak as well.

I am personally happy enough in my life to not be bothered with anyone else's but it is not fair to be more angry at someone for being upset about people ripping them of through stealing tax payer dollars than the person actually committing the offence in the first place.

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Old 11-02-2011, 05:54 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Bud Bud
I am personally happy enough in my life to not be bothered with anyone else's but it is not fair to be more angry at someone for being upset about people ripping them of through stealing tax payer dollars than the person actually committing the offence in the first place.

Bud Bud
Bud Bud, i am not angry with Jimgoose, infact i support his concerns and have already said i do not condone the fraudsters actions, however, i cant help but find it ironic that the same government he wishes to stand up for takes advantage of the average hard working, tax paying Australian every day.

If we were to audit every dollar they spend im sure we would be far more concerned with other avenues that the revenue raised goes to.

Without knowing the statistics i would suggest not too many people who rip off CL do it to stockpile money, they usually need it to survive for whatever reason.
I'd rather them recieve it through their bank account than through my front door in a home invasion etc.

Anyhow, i'd say the OP has made his call by now and feels so much better about himself.
After all, instead of his tax money going to some lowlife CL fraudster it can go back into government coffers and help return our budget deficit to a surplus.
You know, the same deficit the government produced when they handed out $900 of our tax money to CL ricipients who were not entitled to, nor desperate for, not so long ago.
But then again, that was for a reason and on their terms, so it must be ok in that instance...
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:53 PM   #84
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I say dob him in if you have hard evidence..... for the record my dad is on disabilaty pension and he gets $580 a fortnight then on top of that the give him $20 travel allowence per f/n plus $15 for phone expences per f/n so that makes $615 per f/n wich is $307.50 a week.
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:08 PM   #85
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Maybe if he's living at home with his elderly mother, he might be on a carers pension.
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:02 PM   #86
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First thing I would say is mind your own business, does his decisions affect your daily life?
Second is this fraudster stupid? I would say no, when you look into things, if he has government housing and a family you are better off than working class people, $140pw rent, doctors and medication almost free, home stability that he won't have to move his family from rental to rental and pay huge rent that is forever going to increase, fuel card, pension discounts ect ect, yet you lot give half of what you earn to the government and pay higher prices for cost of living, who's the dumb ones???
He earns cash money, no tax so everything he earns goes straight back into the economy including your taxes so really these "bludgers" are actually giving you your taxes back by paying for your goods and services that you work hard to supply but give half your profits to the government which you will otherwise never see again.
Believe it or not "bludgers" are part of the economic food chain and serve a purpose generally every cent they get they poor back into the economy, this is why the government gave the "scum" as you lot refer to unemployed people as $900 because they will spend it and save the necks of small business owners and lots of your jobs. Just because you have a job doesn't make you more important than anyone else so get off your high horse, grow some balls and confront the bloke about your opinions if you wish otherwise keep it to yourself.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:34 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by pottery beige
baaaaaawaaaaa..ya all a bunch of dibber dobbers.....
And dobbers wear nappies!
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:32 PM   #88
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I don't agree with some opinions here but that's the interwebs for you......

Yes, dob him in, yes, try as many agencies as you can. People like this are just leeches who dont make a contribution to society.

I dont need all the facts if what you has said is true, burn him.

Any role this mug has in society does not make it a better place.
Just a few.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:42 PM   #89
pottery beige
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Originally Posted by TURBOTAXI
I don't agree with some opinions here but that's the interwebs for you......

Yes, dob him in, yes, try as many agencies as you can. People like this are just leeches who dont make a contribution to society.

I dont need all the facts if what you has said is true, burn him.

Any role this mug has in society does not make it a better place.
seriously this bludger whatever you want to call him dob him in for has no real impact on my life...... he's doing his thing, i'm doing my thing, your doing your thing.... bfd.. live your life, be good to your mum and who really cares what someone else is up to....

Last edited by pottery beige; 11-02-2011 at 11:54 PM.
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Old 12-02-2011, 08:55 AM   #90
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And if half the working population in the country started doing this tomorrow would we notice an impact.....
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