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View Poll Results: would you swap your AU 1,2,3 series XR for a BA xr ?
yes 39 50.65%
no 33 42.86%
Undecided 5 6.49%
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Old 11-03-2006, 01:14 AM   #61
Highway Taxi
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Default Love IT!!!!!

[QUOTE=Casper]Laughing my ИИИИ off here. Suddenly the BA boys are copping some ИИИИ (like the AU guys have copped for the last 3 years) and they turn to water and have a cry? Deal with it. Some people dont like think the BA is the ducks guts at all. I'm one of them. Get offended all you like but the fact remains my AU auto XR6 is faster than the known fastest manual BA XR6 in Australia (same, day, same place, I got the better time) and it has more street cred in one Tickford wing than the BA XR6 NA will ever have. They are a great car, I accept that. In many, many ways they outshine the AU XR6's.... but the fact of the matter is that to many of us they are as boring as bat ИИИИ.

Enjoy you BA, love it, have fun with it and be proud of it.. but if you come into aufalcon.com's threads and start claiming we have the "Bit of bigus dickus syndrome going on there!" then you are going to cop a flaming. The BA owners ego needs a ladder to get over sometime I swear.

I Love this post! Well done it was a technical & politically correct way of saying ZZZZ you & don't bag an AU in aufalcon.com. The truth can hurt individuals at times & it is true AU fans are a passionate bunch when it comes to the AU. : :sm_headba :hihi:
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Old 11-03-2006, 02:21 AM   #62
HP Dude
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One model XR comes with Tickford wings. The other doesn't. Easy choice: AU XRs all the way. No mistaking them for the base model!

I thought Joe Kenwright's comments in AMC magazine ages ago summed it up: Ford sold out the XR range with the BA model. David Flint himself has said that in order to wear the wings, the Tickford car must be different from standard fare Falcon in all the main areas; from transmission to bodykit. How many adaptive shift auto Fortes were made?
Tickford Rules! :eclipsee_

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Old 11-03-2006, 10:21 AM   #63
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Swap a...

AU base model for BA - Yes
AU XR6 for BA - No
AU XR8 for BA - Yes
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Old 11-03-2006, 11:45 AM   #64
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if i had one i surely would in an instant, providing it was manual and was an 04 onwards build.
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Old 11-03-2006, 05:57 PM   #65
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Drove an BA XR6 and higher k's XR6T at my last upgrade. For the same money I bought a really low k's AU2 XR8. Just had to be an 8 regardless of the AU V BA battle, easy decision and really happy with the AU 8. Just as economical as the BA XR6. Must be the weight thing.
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Old 11-03-2006, 07:15 PM   #66
HP Dude
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BA XR8s are great if you enjoy plough on understeer! Way too nose heavy.

/ducks for cover

The only BAs that kick ИИИИ IMO are the Typhoon and XR6T.
Tickford Rules! :eclipsee_

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Old 11-03-2006, 07:21 PM   #67
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If i owned an AU XR6 i would swap in an instant for BA XR6 & if you wanted an AU you could buy one back & bank the windfull.
Im very happy with my BA

Im suprised not closer to 100% that would swap to a BA even if they wanted an AU they could buy there's back or maybe even a better example & pocket the difference. I though everyone would jump on the oppurtunity.
FGX XR6 Lightning Strike Sedan

BA XR6 Mk II Shockwave Sedan - Now Sold - gone but not forgotten

mods: 20% under drive, Pacemaker Comps 4495' (ceramic coated) , 3' Metal Cat, XR6T exhaust - twin 3' tips, F6 CAI, K&N panel filter, PWR trans cooler, customed tuned by Heinrich Performance Tuning HPT 183.7rwkw.

Originally Posted by ATMO SIX
You have become the new SLOANY mate, no real quality to your current post(s).

Last edited by MoreHPformyXR6; 11-03-2006 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 11-03-2006, 07:44 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by MoreHPformyXR6
Im suprised not closer to 100% that would swap to a BA even if they wanted an AU they could buy there's back or maybe even a better example & pocket the difference. I though everyone would jump on the oppurtunity.
Just goes to show , the BA is not the be all & end all.
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Old 11-03-2006, 09:07 PM   #69
Fantastic Plastic
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Yes the results have been very close , closer than i thought !. I thought i was the only once who loved the AU XR's as much as i do , i guess i was wrong ( which is a good thing ) .

Makes you wonder how many people choose a certian car though just beacuse others like a certian make/model car (it's like jumpijng off a bridge just because so and so did too !). I noticed halfway through this thread that someone posted a link to a bloke with a BA (was quoted something like "someone isn't happy" ), in that post the bloke was crying saying why does everyone bag the BA and how much he loves it , then next day there is a post by the same bloke asking what everyone recons what he would get for his BA cos he wants to sell it for an AU ! . It made me wonder ! .. I'll leave it at that ! ..lol ..anyway , keep the comments rolling in too , very interesting why people think they prefer 1 over the other .

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Old 11-03-2006, 09:20 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by XR6-VCT-2000
I thought i was the only once who loved the AU XR's as much as i do , i guess i was wrong ( which is a good thing )
Um, you did ask the question in the AU forum.... It would be a bit disturbing if no one here loved their AU series car right? And yes, it's a great thing
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Old 11-03-2006, 09:23 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Deadman
Um, you did ask the question in the AU forum.... It would be a bit disturbing if no one here loved their AU series car right? And yes, it's a great thing
could hardly post it in the BA forums now.
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Old 11-03-2006, 09:35 PM   #72
Fantastic Plastic
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Originally Posted by Deadman
Um, you did ask the question in the AU forum.... It would be a bit disturbing if no one here loved their AU series car right? And yes, it's a great thing
lol , i expected everyone here loves their AU's ( considering you all taking the time to join this website and visit this AU section of the forums ), but i thought maybe , just maybe there would be 80% of people roughly here who would like a BA maybe (mainlly because they are newer), and after seeing the results and opinions so far it helps me clarify that my thoughts on the AU XR's aren't just all in my head because i own one ..lol, and justifys my reason to myself even more to not get a BA ! ..lol , the AU XR's truelly do still have some benifits over the BA, but i can't say the BA is not a nice car because it is , but i'de still rather my AU XR anyday.

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Old 11-03-2006, 09:35 PM   #73
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anyhow.. I think we can safely say that the AU falcon is not obsolete yet and that, contrary to popular belief, the BA has not left the AU sitting in obsurity.

For all the AU owners out there, its good to see you have a passion for your car. For all the BA owner, dont take this to heart, the BA/BF is an excellent car and will see Ford grow and succeed well into the future.

Yes we love our AU's... but we are also well to take note of the fact that the BA is the reason Ford Australia is still making Falcons today.
Older, wiser, poorer.

Now in Euro-Trash. VW Coupe V6 4motion.
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