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Old 22-02-2007, 12:13 PM   #1
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Question Rear engine oil seal

G'day all, I have a bit of a problem with the rear engine oil seal, it is leaking a bit and I am wondering if any one out there on this wonderful site can give me a bit of advice on how to remove the gearbox and replace it. And also if its very hard to remove and replace the oil seal. I had the engine cleaned this morning at a mechanics and while it was up on the hoist the guy told me it looked like a rear seal and he gave me a price to do it, approx $350.
While I'm at it there is a clunking noise coming from the rear of the car when I take my foot of the accelerator would this be the uni's, gearbox or the diff? it doesn't happen all the time only if i take my foot off fast.

Thanks in advance

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Old 22-02-2007, 07:57 PM   #2
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in regards to the rear main seal, i'd personally get a mechanic to do it, especially for that much. to replace it, depending on if your car is auto or manual, the have to drop the driveshaft, transmission, clutch (if manual), and flywheel. Fairly straight forward if you really want to do it i guess...

the clunking would be the diff...apparently a pretty common issue on au falcons, ford recommend an additive for it, auto shops also sell a nulon additive which apparently works well
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Old 22-02-2007, 08:37 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by whiskers
G'day all, I have a bit of a problem with the rear engine oil seal, it is leaking a bit and I am wondering if any one out there on this wonderful site can give me a bit of advice on how to remove the gearbox and replace it. And also if its very hard to remove and replace the oil seal. I had the engine cleaned this morning at a mechanics and while it was up on the hoist the guy told me it looked like a rear seal and he gave me a price to do it, approx $350.
While I'm at it there is a clunking noise coming from the rear of the car when I take my foot of the accelerator would this be the uni's, gearbox or the diff? it doesn't happen all the time only if i take my foot off fast.

Thanks in advance
I got ripped off big time by a reputable workshop,needed the rear main seal,they told me the front was dodgy too so I told them to change it also.
they steamed the motor back to brand new,then bogged the leaks with oil resistant silicon,$1,000 ,
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Old 23-02-2007, 12:26 AM   #4
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$350 is not a bad price considering the labour involved.

I really wouldn't bother if you don't have access to a hoist.
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Old 23-02-2007, 04:52 AM   #5
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A clunking diff is a big sign that its on the way out. Is there alot of back lash? if there is then this puts more stress on the rear seal and bearing in the rear extension housing of the transmission causing it not to seal.

this is wat happened with my old diff. it had about 180degrees of tailshaft play. ie you could spin the tailshaft 180 deg before it would spin the rear wheels. and it sprayed oil on the underbody of my car from the transmission back.

Id get your diff fixed or replaced at the same time as the rear main seal, you might save some money doing them together. with the au's you have to replace the whole rear extension housing as the bearing isnt sold seperately, plus you need a new seal.

i think i paid around the 200 dollar mark for the housing, installed it myself and did a service on the auto (full oil change, about 12ltrs of fliud). diff may cost about 300 for a single spinner...
AU1 Forte - 17'' AU2 Tickford rims on all corners, Super low springs,
KYB shock absorbs + camber castor kit and a 3.45 LSD, Tickford snorkel,
3" mandrel intake, K&N pod in the box, Polished Rocker Cover.

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Old 23-02-2007, 06:02 AM   #6
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Yeah I heard that a clunky driveline was a common problem for the AU's too. Especially manuals. I also agree that the price is pretty good too.

^^^^ And 180 degrees of tailshaft play? Thats kinda not good. I think I have about 10 degrees or so.
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Old 23-02-2007, 08:41 AM   #7
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thanks for the info guys, I now have some serious thinking on what to do, either myself or the mechanic. As for the clunking sound there doesn't seem to be much of a backlash. while the car was up on the hoist yesterday the mechanic checked the tail shaft but didn't say anything to me, I've already had the gearbox rear seal done once but that was a while ago and it cost me over $700.00 to do it. Anyway I'll see what happens in the next week or so.
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Old 19-12-2007, 01:00 AM   #8
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Hello there,

I'm having some issues also... Rear main is buggered (told today) and the crank case extension seal was fixed a couple of weeks ago.

I also have a 'pop' sound coming from the diff when I lift my foot off the accelerator quickly. It doesn't happen all the time, but does happen.

If this vehicle presents any more problems I'm going to have to sell it and find something else. It's getting rediculous.

Last edited by Chamelion; 19-12-2007 at 01:05 AM.
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