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Old 06-07-2006, 10:34 AM   #1
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Default Ever wonder about the word's to Khe Sahn.

I found this on another web site. Just goes to show some of the word's arent what you think they might be.

Left my heart to the sappers 'round Khe Sahn

And I sold my soul with my cigarettes, to a black market man

I've had to Vietnam cold turkey, from the ocean to the silver city

And it's only other vets could understa-and

'Bout the long forgotten dockside guarantees

How there were no V-day heroes in nineteen seventy-three

How we sailed into Sydney Harbour, I saw an old friend but I couldn't kiss her

And she was lined, and I was home to the lucky land

She was like so many more from that time on

Their lives were all so empty, until they'd found there chosen one

And their legs were often open but their minds were always closed

And their hearts were held in fast suburban chains

And the legal pads were yellow, hours long paypackets lean

And the telex writers clattered where the gunships once had been

The carparks made me jumpy and I never stopped the dreams

Or the growing need for speed and novacaine

So I worked across the country from end to end

I tried to find a place to settle down, where my mixed up life could mend

I held a job on an oil-rig, a-flyin' choppers when I could

But the nightlife nearly drove me round the bend

And I've travelled round the world from year to year-ear-ear

And each one found me aimless, one more year the worse for wear

And I've been back to South East Asia, you know the answer sure ain't there

But I'm driftin' north to check things out agai-ai-ain

Well the last plane out of Sydney's almost go-one

And only seven flyin' hours, till I'll be landin' in Hong Kong

And there ain't nothin' like the kisses from a jaded Chinese princess

I'm gonna hit some Hong Kong mattress all night lo-ong

Well the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone.

And it's really got me worried, I'm going nowhere and I'm in a hurry.

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Old 06-07-2006, 12:03 PM   #2
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Nope knew they were the words.

Great song to sing along to with mates at a pub/party whatever but as someone has said before, its a funny song to have as a national party anthem when you think about it.

But us Aussies love sing alongs when drunk so bring on the beer, bring on the band and lets have some fun.

*starts singing* Am i ever gonna see your face again?

**edited by xa-coupe... going to the trouble of getting around the swear filter just annoys me ***

Last edited by XA-Coupe; 06-07-2006 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 06-07-2006, 12:37 PM   #3
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i used to hate the song (just ask Barry-v and Walkinshaw lol), but i was driving to work on sunday night and there was a show on the radio (tripleM) can't remember what its called but its on every sunday night and they have a theme and some decent discussion. this weeks theme was 'protest songs'.
I never actually listened to the words till then. certainly made me think...
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Old 06-07-2006, 12:54 PM   #4
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It means a fair bit in this house. Mags dad is a Vietnam Vet. Did 3 trip's with the Navy. Was hit twice. Once on the Hobart and then again on the Perth. What has all way amazed me is when you mention the Navy in this context most people think they didn't see and action.
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Old 06-07-2006, 01:24 PM   #5
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it is all political and when it was first realeased it was banned from being played on the radio, a station in adelaide (i think) dared to play it and in the end all the stations were playing it
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Old 06-07-2006, 02:10 PM   #6
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describes how a lot of nam vets think and how they were treated on their return, always send me back and gives me the shivers
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Old 06-07-2006, 02:18 PM   #7
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Not entirely a song for the memory of the viet vets, its got references to prostitutes and drug addictions.

Additonally, Khe Sahn was fought mainly by the US Marines, most of the Australian input in Khe Sahn was from the air.

More here

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Old 06-07-2006, 02:25 PM   #8
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i never knew the words, only the bits that everyone knows. It'll certainly make me think a bit more when i hear it at the pub next time.
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:53 PM   #9
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I, like everyone, knows the words to the national anthem
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Old 06-07-2006, 04:56 PM   #10
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It always makes me stop and think.
Top Aussie Song by a Top Aussie Band.
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Old 06-07-2006, 05:08 PM   #11
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It's the only song I have sung at Kareoke nights (Been to two, got very merry and sang khe sahn both times) Needless to say Jimmy and the boys have no competition from me!
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Old 06-07-2006, 08:28 PM   #12
Trevor 57
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Another one about Vietnam, a very moving song sung by Redgum:

Royalties from sales were donated to the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.

Just a few things that may help you understand the lyrics better:
* Puckapunyal was a recruit training center and Cunungra is a Jungle Warfare training center.
* Shoalwater was a place that the Army used for Military excercises.
* The SLR was the personal weapon mostly used in Vietnam.
* Vung Tau & Nui Dat were Aussie bases in Vietnam.
* V.B. is Victorian Bitter a very popular Aussie beer.
* Anzac is the acronym for the Australian & New Zealand Army Corps


Mum and Dad and Denny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal
(It was long march from cadets).
The sixth battalion was the next to tour and It was me who drew the card.
We did Canungra and Shoalwater before we left.

Chorus I:
And Townsville lined the footpath as we marched down to the quay.
This clipping from the paper shows us young and strong and clean.
And there's me in my slouch hat with my SLR and greens.
God help me, I was only nineteen.

From Vung Tau riding Chinooks to the dust at Nui Dat,
I'd been in and out of choppers now for months.
But we made our tents a home. V.B. and pinups on the lockers,
And an Asian orange sunset through the scrub.

Chorus 2:
And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep?
And night time's just a jungle dark and a barking M.16?
And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means?
God help me, I was only nineteen.

A four week operation, when each step can mean your last one
On two legs: it was a war within yourself.
But you wouldn't let your mates down 'til they had you dusted off,
So you closed your eyes and thought about something else.

Chorus 3:
Then someone yelled out "Contact"', and the bloke behind me swore.
We hooked in there for hours, then a God almighty roar.
Frankie kicked a mine the day that mankind kicked the moon.
God help me, he was going home in June.

1 can still see Frankie, drinking tinnies in the Grand Hotel
On a thirty-six hour rec. leave in Vung Tau.
And I can still hear Frankie, lying screaming in the jungle.
'Till the morphine came and killed the bloody row

Chorus 4:
And the Anzac legends didn't mention mud and blood and tears.
And stories that my father told me never seemed quite real
I caught some pieces In my back that I didn't even feel.
God help me, I was only nineteen.

Chorus 5:
And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep?
And why the Channel Seven chopper chills me to my feet?
And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means?
God help me, I was only nineteen.
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Old 06-07-2006, 08:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Big_Trev
Another one about Vietnam, a very moving song sung by Redgum:

Royalties from sales were donated to the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.

Just a few things that may help you understand the lyrics better:
* Puckapunyal was a recruit training center and Cunungra is a Jungle Warfare training center.
* Shoalwater was a place that the Army used for Military excercises.
* The SLR was the personal weapon mostly used in Vietnam.
* Vung Tau & Nui Dat were Aussie bases in Vietnam.
* V.B. is Victorian Bitter a very popular Aussie beer.
* Anzac is the acronym for the Australian & New Zealand Army Corps


Mum and Dad and Denny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal
(It was long march from cadets).
The sixth battalion was the next to tour and It was me who drew the card.
We did Canungra and Shoalwater before we left.

Chorus I:
And Townsville lined the footpath as we marched down to the quay.
This clipping from the paper shows us young and strong and clean.
And there's me in my slouch hat with my SLR and greens.
God help me, I was only nineteen.

From Vung Tau riding Chinooks to the dust at Nui Dat,
I'd been in and out of choppers now for months.
But we made our tents a home. V.B. and pinups on the lockers,
And an Asian orange sunset through the scrub.

Chorus 2:
And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep?
And night time's just a jungle dark and a barking M.16?
And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means?
God help me, I was only nineteen.

A four week operation, when each step can mean your last one
On two legs: it was a war within yourself.
But you wouldn't let your mates down 'til they had you dusted off,
So you closed your eyes and thought about something else.

Chorus 3:
Then someone yelled out "Contact"', and the bloke behind me swore.
We hooked in there for hours, then a God almighty roar.
Frankie kicked a mine the day that mankind kicked the moon.
God help me, he was going home in June.

1 can still see Frankie, drinking tinnies in the Grand Hotel
On a thirty-six hour rec. leave in Vung Tau.
And I can still hear Frankie, lying screaming in the jungle.
'Till the morphine came and killed the bloody row

Chorus 4:
And the Anzac legends didn't mention mud and blood and tears.
And stories that my father told me never seemed quite real
I caught some pieces In my back that I didn't even feel.
God help me, I was only nineteen.

Chorus 5:
And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep?
And why the Channel Seven chopper chills me to my feet?
And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means?
God help me, I was only nineteen.

Whats your point....were you there....did you serve.

Yes they were only nineteen and so was I .!!!!!!!!!

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:01 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by MO
Whats your point....were you there....did you serve.

Yes they were only nineteen and so was I .!!!!!!!!!
I think he was saying that he likes Redgum's song too, also about the Vietnam War.

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:03 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Dave_au
Not entirely a song for the memory of the viet vets, its got references to prostitutes and drug addictions.

Additonally, Khe Sahn was fought mainly by the US Marines, most of the Australian input in Khe Sahn was from the air.

More here

I think the prostitutes and drugs are the artists way of saying that for some Viet vets, they were two things that dampened the horror of their experiences there.

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:10 PM   #16
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GK....thankyou you are spot on!

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:19 PM   #17
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well, both these songs are, to be honest, easy to understand the lyrics to (although redgums song still makes my hair stand up, a true Aussie classic). Now, for a really HARD to understand song, theres "Fall of Rome" by James Reyne. Now if you have ever heard it, he has a unique singing style that makes words almost unintelligable.. so while it has nothign to do with War, here are the lyrics to one of the most difficult songs to actually understand ever (IMHO)

James Reyne Lyrics - Fall Of Rome Lyrics

Every mor-orning when I wake from my bed
I find I'm yawnin' just a-scratchin' my head
I face the dawnin', I feel like I'm dead
Oh baby, I been sleeping all alone
Well, every daybreak as I wake from my sleep
I find I'm achin' as I drag from the deep
If I were a Mustang I'd be a junk-yard heap
Mirror don't lie, mirror don't lie, talk about a rollin' stone

Everbody said a-what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome

Well, all these dragons are just a-draggin' me down
I've been a-pickin' things up from the underground
Like a trackless tram I'm Bondi bound
Sittin' in the depot all alone
No purity, no clear white walls
A big stampede when the Warragul calls
Times a-menacing just gnashes and mauls
Where'm I gonna buy it, where'm I gonna buy it
Gotta give a dog a bone

And everbody said what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the - Fall of Ro-ome, I'm a-thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Ro-ome

Well I've been li-ivin' a categorical lie
Each last thrill the penultimate high
Just a-one more hit before I can die
Yellow teeth are snappin' all around
Well, every day of the week as I wake from my bed
I find I'm yawning just a scratchin' my head
If I were a Mustang, I think it's gone to my head
Mirror don't lie, mirror don't lie, talk about a rolling stone

And everbody said what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Older, wiser, poorer.

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:24 PM   #18
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Casper...you know how to hit the target!!!!!!!

Yes have heard it before and did half get the lyric.

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:25 PM   #19
Trevor 57
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Originally Posted by MO
GK....thankyou you are spot on!
My reason for posting is as GK said, do you have aproblem with that? _2:
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Old 06-07-2006, 09:27 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Casper
well, both these songs are, to be honest, easy to understand the lyrics to (although redgums song still makes my hair stand up, a true Aussie classic). Now, for a really HARD to understand song, theres "Fall of Rome" by James Reyne. Now if you have ever heard it, he has a unique singing style that makes words almost unintelligable.. so while it has nothign to do with War, here are the lyrics to one of the most difficult songs to actually understand ever (IMHO)

James Reyne Lyrics - Fall Of Rome Lyrics

Every mor-orning when I wake from my bed
I find I'm yawnin' just a-scratchin' my head
I face the dawnin', I feel like I'm dead
Oh baby, I been sleeping all alone
Well, every daybreak as I wake from my sleep
I find I'm achin' as I drag from the deep
If I were a Mustang I'd be a junk-yard heap
Mirror don't lie, mirror don't lie, talk about a rollin' stone

Everbody said a-what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome

Well, all these dragons are just a-draggin' me down
I've been a-pickin' things up from the underground
Like a trackless tram I'm Bondi bound
Sittin' in the depot all alone
No purity, no clear white walls
A big stampede when the Warragul calls
Times a-menacing just gnashes and mauls
Where'm I gonna buy it, where'm I gonna buy it
Gotta give a dog a bone

And everbody said what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the - Fall of Ro-ome, I'm a-thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Ro-ome

Well I've been li-ivin' a categorical lie
Each last thrill the penultimate high
Just a-one more hit before I can die
Yellow teeth are snappin' all around
Well, every day of the week as I wake from my bed
I find I'm yawning just a scratchin' my head
If I were a Mustang, I think it's gone to my head
Mirror don't lie, mirror don't lie, talk about a rolling stone

And everbody said what's that sound, put it in a skillet and slap it all around
And everybody said I can't stay home, still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
Still thinkin' 'bout the Fall of Rome
My brain hurts just looking at the first few verses and the chorus! LOL!


Ok here's one that I've always found rather silly.

Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer.

In the pre chorus it goes:
"She says we gotta hold on, to what we've got, it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.........

Then in the chorus, just after:
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear, Wo oh, living on a prayer!

Odd conflict of lines I reckon. First it doesn't make a difference, then someone is vowing they'll make it!!

Jon Bon Jovi, although I really like him, is certainly the king of cliche! LOL!

2009 Mondeo Zetec TDCi - Moondust Silver

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Old 06-07-2006, 09:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Big_Trev
My reason for posting is as GK said, do you have aproblem with that? _2:

No Trev I don't but you didn't make it real clear.

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Old 09-07-2006, 09:08 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Dave_au
Not entirely a song for the memory of the viet vets, its got references to prostitutes and drug addictions.

Additonally, Khe Sahn was fought mainly by the US Marines, most of the Australian input in Khe Sahn was from the air.

More here

Actually over the years MANY different units staged out of the Khe Sanh Combat Base. Airborne(Rangers and LRRP), Special Forces, Intelligence, Divisional Command Elements, Airborne Cav and others including Australian Units. The Combat Base was a constant target of Sappers over the years. As to the Siege(Battle) of Khe Sanh in 68, that is only one moment in time in regards to the base, and has little to do with the song, which is obviously a reference to the Combat Base.

Just cause you saw it on the Internert, doesnt make it factual.

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Old 09-07-2006, 09:18 PM   #23
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Thankyou SB...I served..was never sent but I saw what came back from all three services....enough said!!!!!!!!

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Old 30-07-2006, 11:00 AM   #24
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These guys should have been honourd when the got back.. It was sad the way they were treated.
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Old 30-07-2006, 12:46 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by XR-ENVI
it is all political and when it was first realeased it was banned from being played on the radio, a station in adelaide (i think) dared to play it and in the end all the stations were playing it
Yes it was an Adelaide staition that played it. However the reason for banning had nothing to do with the Vietnam war, it was due to this line in the song...

"and their legs were often open, but their minds were always closed"

It was deemed too risque for radio.

Fantastic song by my all time favourite band. There is no doubt in my mind that Don Walker is one of Australia's best song writers.

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Old 30-07-2006, 01:31 PM   #26
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Makes you wonder with the pulling apart of the lyrics .... how many actually know what a Sapper is ??????????

As the topic is about lyrics I have always found this one not as was first thought on Video Hits ......... It does in fact relate to me very closley....


After all that you put me through,
You think I'd despise you,
But in the end I wanna thank you,
'Cause you've made me that much stronger

Well I thought I knew you, thinkin' that you were true
Guess I, I couldnt trust called your bluff time is up
Cause I've had enough
You were there by my side, always down for the ride
But your joy ride just came down in flames cause your greed sold me out in shame

After all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that I hold resentment for you
But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
Cause if it wasnt for all that you tried to do, I wouldnt know
Just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
Cause it

Makes me that much stonger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for makin me a fighter

Never saw it coming, all of your backstgabbing
Just so you could cash in on a good thing before I'd realize your game
I heard you're goin round playin, the victim now
But dont even begin feeling I'm the one to blame
Cause you dug your own grave
After all of the fights and the lies cause you're wanting to haunt me
But that wont work anymore, no more,
It's over
Cause if it wasnt for all of your torture
I wouldnt know how to be this way now and never back down
So I wanna say thank you
Cause it


How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretend not to know the truth
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see

I am a fighter and I
I aint gonna stop
There is no turning back
I've had enough


You thought i would forget
But I remembered
Cause i remembered
I remembered
You thought i would forget
I remembered
Cause i remembered
I remembered

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Old 30-07-2006, 03:44 PM   #27
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When i was a young fella my old man would get drunk and play his old IRA rebel songs and you could feel the emotion welling in his eyes and in his voice.
Hearing those slow rebal ballads still brings the hairs on my neck to attention.

I just wish i could remember some of the lyrics so i could show how raw some descriptions of civil war can be.

I also like listening to The Wall by Floyd for it's psychotic walk through the life of a deprived childhood served out in the grips of war.
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