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Old 02-09-2007, 02:08 PM   #1
ford why
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Question au auto transmission problems

ok here is the thing up until 2 days ago the car ran fine i didnt drive it for a couple of days and now the thing is having problems. the auto tranmission oil is fine nice and red and is full. it changes fine from 1st to 2nd but then takes its time trying to get into 3rd and then when it wants to hit forth it has vibration in the gearbox. mind you i have had this wynding noise which the gearbox and diff man said it was my diff. but hears the thing when you put the car up on jacks and put the car in drive the wynd sounds like it is coming from the gearbox. the wynd is loud sometimes to where you can really hear it but not loud to where you cant hear anything else and other times it is something you bearly hear. is it time for a new gearbox or is it worth getting it repaired and what could be wrong with it and why would it just do this after being given a rest for a few days. any help would help thanks cheers

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Old 02-09-2007, 02:55 PM   #2
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take it to a tranny specialist the BTR tranny is not a job for the average back yarder
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Old 02-09-2007, 03:13 PM   #3
ford why
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Originally Posted by au3xr6
take it to a tranny specialist the BTR tranny is not a job for the average back yarder
well as i said i ahve already had it to a gearbox and diff guy up here and he said it was my diff wynding but cant be as my gearbox is the one giving the problems.
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Old 02-09-2007, 03:33 PM   #4
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a gearbox and diff mechanic usually knows more about manuals, autos mechs are usually specialised and don't touch diffs
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Old 02-09-2007, 04:43 PM   #5
ford why
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i would really like to avoid having to take it to another mechanic and being charged for him to look at it, all for him to tell me i need a rehaul. if that is the case i would rather put the money i would pay him to look at it on a secondhand gearbox. but if someone could say to hey sounds like it might be something simple and wouldnt cost me a arm and a leg then i would concider the option of taking it to another mechanic. but being female most like to tell you something and it isnt that. so before doing anything i would really like some info on what it might be thanks. and i know it might be alot of things and i really hope it is something simple because i really dont feel like dropping the box and replacing it. i do know a little bit about them and i am thinking it might be my cluster bearings hoping not but would like someone elses opinon on what it may be. thanks cheers

Last edited by ford why; 02-09-2007 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 03-09-2007, 01:24 AM   #6
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What model is it? How many k's on the box?

You are likely to find it cheaper to grab a low k second hand auto and just swap them out.
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Old 03-09-2007, 11:44 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by ford why
i would really like to avoid having to take it to another mechanic and being charged for him to look at it, all for him to tell me i need a rehaul. if that is the case i would rather put the money i would pay him to look at it on a secondhand gearbox. but if someone could say to hey sounds like it might be something simple and wouldnt cost me a arm and a leg then i would concider the option of taking it to another mechanic. but being female most like to tell you something and it isnt that. so before doing anything i would really like some info on what it might be thanks. and i know it might be alot of things and i really hope it is something simple because i really dont feel like dropping the box and replacing it. i do know a little bit about them and i am thinking it might be my cluster bearings hoping not but would like someone elses opinon on what it may be. thanks cheers
most tranny places up here will check it for free to give you a ball park quote. don't know about in your area though
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Old 03-09-2007, 04:03 PM   #8
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taking its time getting into 3rd could be a solenoid problem, but at the same time that doesnt explain the vibration in 4th..... if its not the diff it sounds like the box will have to come out and be sent off/ inspected at the mechanics to diagnose the fault... the vibration could also be the uni joint in the tailshaft though.....
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Old 04-09-2007, 07:08 AM   #9
ford why
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the model of the car is a ford au2 but it has a el gearbox in it. as i have a spare au2 box would it be worth my while changing solenoids i know the f5 solenoid was changed about 2 years ago when i fitted the el box. ready to burn the car and make a change to holden i think. but i gather they have their own sets of problems to. cars somebody invent warp boards so we can just warp around the world. thanks for your help i think it is time to have a big bon fire using my car instead of wood.
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:18 PM   #10
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Sounds like you really need to get it diagnosed by a pro.You need to know what the problem/s are and what the likely costs of repair might be.I was preparing myself for a $2k spend on a reco unit for my AU, but after some expert advice and estimates, it cost me around $500 to get my tranny back to "shipshape".
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