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Old 03-09-2007, 07:24 PM   #1
Holdens Fall Apart!
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Default LPG, Injected vs Econemy? XR8

Hey guys.

I now own a AU Red Series 2 XR8 auto........Im going to put it on gas and i called this place that can do it in about a month. The guy told me that AU`s have this twin coil thing and tend to back fire on the normal econemy mode gas and blow ur air box apart and that it is really a better option spending the extra $1600 and getting injected gas with a garantee of no back fires....My parents asked me to ask you guys to make sure this guy aint jipping me on the deal and up selling.....Does this seem true and right?

Econ LPG is $3300

Injected LPG is $4600

Can you guys shed some light? Thanks!

AU2 XR8, Venom Red, 200kw, K&N Panel Filter, 2.5" Lukey Exhaust
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Old 03-09-2007, 07:52 PM   #2
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As its being a AU the older mixer type you should have not problem of backfiring,the injected type is more suited to the BARRA but I can see no reason () if you want to spend more(as the injected one was design with the Barra in mind and the issue of backfiring)


Anyone else to add
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Old 03-09-2007, 07:57 PM   #3
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more advice PLZ!!!
AU2 XR8, Venom Red, 200kw, K&N Panel Filter, 2.5" Lukey Exhaust
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Old 03-09-2007, 09:35 PM   #4
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I disagree, I'm sorry. VSI WAS NOT developed for the 'barra' not even close.
Injected LPG systems are well ingrained into the Australian LPG industry and have been for some time now. And as alot of fitters believe it has been the single best product in many years to help both consumers and the autogas industry.
So back to answering the original question.
I fit VSI and I would highly recommend it for your car. The injected LPG will run problematically for much longer than what the non injected system will any day of the week.
The injected LPG system will emulate your petrol operation to perfection. No older type mixer system will be able to do this like injected LPG will.
Benefits of Sequential Gas Injection:
- Minimal performance difference.
- Longer engine life.
- Considerable savings in fuel costs.
- Less pollution.

Vehicle Performance on SGI:
- Only a slight increase in specific consumption compared to petrol (depending
upon engine capacity and driving habits, it can range from 10% - 20%)
- Power loss is imperceptible.
- The higher Octane rating of LPG, suppresses engine "knock" resulting in
improved engine performance and driveability.
With the VSI systems that I fit you will actually have to look at the gauge to find out if you are on petrol or gas because there is no decernable difference and in some cases we actually see an improvement in engine smoothness and performance when running on LPG
Spend the money now and you'll benifit in the long run.

Have a look at these websites they will give you a bit more information.

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Old 03-09-2007, 09:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by cupic
As its being a AU the older mixer type you should have not problem of backfiring,the injected type is more suited to the BARRA but I can see no reason () if you want to spend more(as the injected one was design with the Barra in mind and the issue of backfiring)


Anyone else to add
Without sounding like I'm having a go at you pretty much everything you said was wrong, any injected car will respond better with the injected set up compared to a mixer type system.

The vapour injection systems are actually better than what ford is still fitting to their Egas cars.
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Old 03-09-2007, 09:57 PM   #6
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hear hear !!!
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:06 PM   #7
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I have a Tartarini system on my 3V. I definitely recommend them or any injected system.

I can notice the power loss, but only just, and only in the upper rev range. Only uses on average about 2L/100kms more gas than petrol as well.
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:14 PM   #8
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I'm good friends with the guys that do the eurogas systems and have first hand some of the tuning they have done when setting their systems up for emission compliance, I have seen several cars including a BA XR8 make several more rwkws on LPG than what they make on petrol.

I may be off a little with the figures but it goes something like this, a mixer system that is tuned correctly will use approx 28% more gas than petrol to travel the same distance, but the SVI system will only use approx 18% more gas to travel the same distance copared to petrol.

Blownba may comment on this, but I have found mixer type systems require regular adjustments to keep them running the correct mixtures and any back firing will thow them out of adjustment quickly. VSI once set up should not need adjusting unless there is a sensor problem on the car, but that would show up on petrol as well
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:27 PM   #9
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You couldn't be anymore correct. Anything the petrol computer see's the gas computer also see's. So performance upgrades, fuel quality and of course operating conditions are all accounted for in the tune with a VSI system.
And like Ratter said I have regularly seen better performance out of good VSI systems and thats always the best bit in my book.
But Ratter is right that the old school mixer systems do requirme regular adjustments to have them operating properly where VSI VERY RARELY requires any retuning at all.
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:54 AM   #10
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Thanks guys.......so i guess i am really better off spending the extra $1600 then?
AU2 XR8, Venom Red, 200kw, K&N Panel Filter, 2.5" Lukey Exhaust
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Old 04-09-2007, 08:20 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by ThoR_
Thanks guys.......so i guess i am really better off spending the extra $1600 then?
for sure
Pit Lane Performance
20 Rosella St Frankston 03 9783 8122

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Old 04-09-2007, 08:47 AM   #12
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ive got an injection system on my ba xr8 its so much better then the old system. Ive had both a BA 6 on the mixer set up and now the xr8 on vsi and its as good as blownba has told you. Its not much more money for the difference you are getting in econmey performance ect
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